How networking helped an industrial chemist land his dream job

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Eric Breitung, Credit_LeighAnne Olsen.jpg

[Pictured: Eric Breitung, a senior research scientist for the Metropolitan Museum of Art / Credit: LeighAnne Olsen]

As the saying goes: It’s not what you know, it’s who you know.

Being a skilled chemist is key to excelling in your career; however, the ability to network is equally important.

Case in point, a senior research scientist for the Metropolitan Museum of Art (Met), Eric Breitung, was fortunate enough to earn his position after nine years of effective networking.

In 2006, he applied for a position at the Met, but didn’t get the job. Nevertheless, he contacted Marco Leona, the department head, and was able to foster a strong relationship and get a one-year fellowship.

In 2015, after years of continued communication, Leona encouraged Breitung to apply for the senior research scientist position at the Met, which he later earned and accepted. As a result, Breitung’s interest in science and art is combined through his daily responsibility of overseeing the museum’s chemical environment.

If your dream is to work in industry, like Breitung, then you’re in luck!