Member Profile
Name: Andrew Paul Combs
Country: USA
City: Kenneth Sq
State/Province: PA
ACS Member: Member
Local Section: L304,Philadelphia
International Chapter:
Technical Division Membership: D518,Medicinal Chemistry Division;D521,Organic Chemistry Division
Technical Division Membership Emeritus:
Subdivision Member:
ACS Activities: Chaired the following ACS meetings  ACS 5th Prospectives Meeting on the "Discovery and Selection of Successful Drug Candidates", Boston, MA, April , 2009.  ACS 4th Prospectives Meeting on the "Discovery and Selection of Successful Drug Candidates", San Francisco, CA, May 4-7th, 2008.  ACS 3rd Prospectives Meeting on the "Discovery and Selection of Successful Drug Candidates", Boston, MA, April 29-May 2, 2007.  ACS 2nd Prospectives Meeting on the "Discovery and Selection of Successful Drug Candidates", Boston, MA, May 7-10, 2006.  ACS 1st Prospectives Meeting on the "Discovery and Selection of Successful Drug Candidates", Boston, MA, May. 15-18, 2005.  3rd German-American Chemistry Symposia "Frontiers in Science Symposia" 2003 (Organizing Committee)  ACS 3rd Prospectives Meeting "Combinatorial Chemistry -; Conventional Tools from Revolutionary Technologies", Landsdowne, VA, Sept. 23-26, 2002.  m2nd German-American Chemistry Symposia "Frontiers in Science Symposia" Boston, Mass. July 2002 (Organizing Committee)  ACS 2nd Prospectives Meeting "Combinatorial Chemistry -; Applying the Technology", Zurich, Switzerland Nov. 3-7, 2001.  ACS Pacifichem 2000, "Combinatorial and Parallel Synthesis; Applications to Medicinal Chemistry", Honolulu, Hawaii Dec. 14-19, 2000  ACS First Prospectives Meeting "Combinatorial Chemistry -; 21st Century Chemical Synthesis" Tucson, AZ April 9-11, 2000.  ACS Mid-Atlantic Regional Meeting (MARM) "Accelerating the Drug Discovery Process Through Combinatorial Chemistry" Newark, DE. May 15-19, 2000.
Company/Institution Name:
Career Stage: Professional
Research and Special Interests:
Area of Expertise: Medicinal chemistry, structure-based drug design, microwave-assisted organic synthesis, high-throughput synthesis and purification, combinatorial chemistry, analytical chemistry, ELN
Years of Expertise: 11-15
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‎12-15-2020 04:26 AM