Nontraditional Career Paths in Chemistry

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Are you a chemistry student unsure of the right career move to make after graduation? Do you find yourself uncertain about the typical chemistry career path that includes long hours in a lab or research environment?

Don’t worry, ACS has all the information you need to begin exploring alternatives in the chemistry world. Through this free eBook download, “The Best Nontraditional Careers for Chemists: Popular, Unusual, or Growing Fields,” you’ll learn how your skills and experience can be channeled into a non-typical job in the field.

Read more about these areas employing chemists, including:

• Data Science: Opportunities in this sector are expanding as organizations are collecting more information and need scientists to study it and turn it into useful information. Molecular diagnostics, which uses a person’s genetic code to predict diseases and recommend treatments, is just one example of how scientists are needed in this area.

Forensic Toxicology: Chemists are needed in this area to analyze the effects of different compounds on the human body. This can include the effect of painkillers have on the body and analyzing deaths and poisonings.

Generic Pharmaceuticals: Companies that make generic drugs need chemists to develop formulas using the same active ingredient as a brand name drug, but different fillers. Chemists also play a key role in verifying the benefits of the drug are still the same and are needed several years in advance of the brand name drug’s patent expiration.

Advocacy Groups: Support scientific research by reviewing grant applications, supervising research projects and work directly with patients.

The eBook also offers general career advice for those entering the chemistry career field such as the option of working as a contractor for an agency and points out the pros and cons compared to full-time work.

Whatever you decide, being informed is the key! Download the free eBook today from ACS!