Welcome to the new ACS Network

Welcome to the new ACS Network

We knew about a year ago that the old platform hosting the ACS Network was going to go away. I'm happy to say that we have moved the Network to the new platform as of December 15. 

Here are things you will notice: 

  • New look and feel. Our wonderful ACS designers have helped up customize a new look. They will continue to evolve the interface as the new platform has some very powerful tools to help us customize templates. 
  • Content is reorganized:
    • We reworked the navigation based on the past use and  anticipated use in  the future. . 
    • All groups now reside in this structure, although some may be hidden depending on the structure. 
  • The profile now includes fields to include your company, your LinkedIn profile, and your ORCID identifier. These are replacing the old CV app which was a bit clunky as well as difficult for us to maintain. 

What to do first?

  • Change your username. You may choose the name you wish to display next to your posts, etc. We are no longer using your full name (unless you want to) . This will provide you some anonymity from the search engines. You can change your username under your settings.
  • Update your personal profile fields (except for the ones maintained by ACS which include name, local section, etc.)
  • Read some of the prior documents which talked about the changes. 
  • Ask a question in the Discussion area of the ACS Hub. 

If you had information and can no longer find it, please drop us a line at ACSNetworkFeedback@acs.org . There was eleven years of content to sort through, rearrange and migrate. Some of the older content may have been deleted or migrated, but hidden. 

If you are interested in starting collaboration in a private space, please contact us and we'll get you started. 

Finally, the ACS Network is still evolving. We are working on small fixes, as well as developing new templates, refining permissions  and functionality. We will post regular updates to this forum to alert you of any new releases of functionality, etc. 

We thank you for your patience as we continue to work on the community.  





It's indeed a professional platform to help Chemists gr