3 reasons chemists should take continued education courses

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1. Your employer may provide tuition assistance

If you are currently working for a chemical-related company, you may be able to get tuition assistance to advance your education. The number one reason companies provide assistance is to foster a smarter workforce, which, in return, makes the company more desirable to future employees, partners and sponsors. According to GoGrad, a guide to online graduate programs, “a report from the Society for Human Resource Management claims that 54 percent of employers offer tuition assistance.” This learned knowledge may also make it easier for you to correspond with other company departments or allow you to implement new, efficient business practices that could help bring in revenue.

2. Exposure to new lab equipment

Depending on your company’s budget for technology, it is likely that you will work on important research projects without the most up-to-date laboratory equipment. Generally speaking, laboratory equipment servicing should be planned at least once a year. To make sure that you are familiar with newly released equipment in the field, you could take a course in a highly equipped lab that will allow you to work with more innovative technology. Consequently, you will be able to share your experience with your colleagues and executive leaders to educate them and encourage them to budget for the equipment in future financial plans.

3. Gain skills to excel in your career   

As you progress in your career, it is essential to gain new skills to remain marketable. This is especially true if you plan to shift your field from biochemistry to chemical engineering, for example. A cost efficient and timely way to do this is by taking a professional education that focuses on your topic of choice. Not only will new skills allow you to become more specialized in your field, but it will also set you up for a pay raise.

Take your career to the next level by signing up for an ACS Professional Education short course. Register for a course today!