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ACS Local Sections Officer Insights December 2024

Honored Contributor III
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Dear Local Section Leader,
As we gear up for the 2025 ACS Leadership Institute (January 31- February 2, 2025), I want to personally encourage you to seize this fantastic opportunity to boost your leadership skills. The event is filled with insights and tools that are valuable for effective leadership. Check out the details below and register today. Learn more and register today.
Additionally, here's a friendly reminder to mark your calendar for our upcoming local section webinar on "Lab Safety Teams in your Local Sections," happening on Wednesday, December 18th, from 1:00 to 2:00 PM EDT. The interactive webinar will explore the evolving Lab Safety Team landscape, growth strategies, and how you can become a driving force in this important mission! The Lab Safety Team leaders in partnership with ACS Corporation Associates (CA) will highlight the benefits of getting involved, share current initiatives, and demonstrate how this collaboration is building a stronger, united community dedicated to elevating safety culture across academic settings. Make sure to register soon and be a part of this important session.
Beth Lorsbach,
Chair, Local Section Activities Committee


2024 Annual Reports Now Live in ACS Community Connection
We are pleased to announce that ACS Community Connection, the online service for annual report and event submissions, is now available for the 2024 Local Section Annual Reporting cycle. Please bookmark the Annual Reporting web page for easy access to the Community Connection login page, user guides, and other important resources. All 2024 and 2025 local section officers may access Community Connection with their ACS ID and password.
The chair of your local section may designate additional non-officer volunteers (e.g., Community Activities Coordinator, YCC Chair, Webmaster, etc.) to access and complete your group's annual report and event forms. To assign a non-officer access to Community Connection, please send the non-officer's name, local section affiliation, and ACS ID to 
The deadline for submitting your completed annual report and ChemLuminary self-nominations is February 15, 2025. Your local section's 2025 allotment will be released to your treasurer following your local section's annual report submission.
Now Live: eRosters Available in ACS Community Connection
The October, 2024 eRosters are now available to download in ACS Community Connection. The November roster files will be available starting December 12, 2024.
Prepare for Volunteer Opportunities with kids
With National Chemistry Week behind us, and almost 2000 ACS Background Checks complete, the ACS Youth Protection Policy is in full swing. Remind those who may want to volunteer for an ACS Youth Event to also get their required background screening done. Getting checked is easy – one volunteer marveled that it only took one day for clearance! Sterling Volunteers is conducting checks for all adult volunteers at ACS Youth Events.
Visit the webpage, which includes a tutorial video, procedural information, and FAQs that include details about ACS and co-sponsored event requirements, and screening for student, non-U.S. residents and other volunteers. If you need advice about whether volunteers need to be cleared, send an email to
Book your next speaker using the ACS Speaker Directory and receive a $200 mini-grant this year! There are over 1,300 speakers and countless topics to choose from. Find your next speaker today at
Save the Dates!
December 11, 2024
Last date to access October Roster.
December 15, 2024
Last date to submit Volunteer of the Year Nomination
December 18, 2024
Lab Safety Teams in your Local Sections
January 31- February 2, 2025
ACS Leadership Institute.


Sign Up to Participate in the 2025 US National Chemistry Olympiad
The U.S. National Chemistry Olympiad (USNCO) is a multi-tiered competition designed to stimulate and promote achievement in high school chemistry. It is sponsored by the American Chemical Society. Register your local section to participate in this year's competition. To participate, appoint a USNCO Chair for your local section and have them complete the 2025 Participation Form by December 15th, 2024. Check out the USNCO website for more information. If you have any questions, email
Please ask your 2025 Local Section Chair-elect to attend the 2025 ACS Leadership Institute (LI). This exciting weekend will feature track-based training and development as well as all-attendee sessions and networking events. More details and a link for registration will be sent to all local section leaders later this month.
Last Chance to Take Advantage of ACS Volunteer of the Year Award!
Honor the volunteers who excel in outreach volunteer service to your local section or chapter with a Volunteer of the Year Award (VOTY)! Each local section can annually recognize one outstanding individual. Awardees receive a special gift, certificate, and are celebrated at the ChemLuminary Awards, on social media, and in Chemical & Engineering News.
The ACS Committee on Community Activities (CCA) will select one exceptional volunteer from all the nominations, as the Global Outreach Volunteer of the Year!
Submit your nomination here before it's too late! Deadline: December 15, 2024
Note: Only the local section’s Chair or designee may submit a nomination.
New ChemLuminary Award Sponsored by CCS and YCC!
The ACS Committee on Chemical Safety (CCS) and the Younger Chemists Committee (YCC) are excited to announce a new joint ChemLuminary Award! The Outstanding Activity Promoting Research Safety ChemLuminary Award recognizes outstanding achievements for an impactful activity organized by or for younger chemists, to include young faculty, postdocs, and graduate students, that promote chemical safety in research laboratories. Nominations for this award open on November 1, 2024, and close on February 15, 2025. ChemLuminary Awards nominations should be submitted by Local Sections, Divisions, or International Science Chapter officers in their unit’s Annual Report. Please contact for more information.
ACS Graduate Student Organizations
ACS invites graduate students and existing Grad Student Organizations (GSOs) in chemical science departments across the country to charter an ACS GSO now! As members of an ACS GSO, students can join a connected community, apply for grants, grow professionally, and serve their community. Learn more about how to start an ACS GSO on our webpage.
Global Innovation Imperatives (Gii) program provides funding to an ACS entity (international chapter, local section, ACS division, international student chapter) to hold a multi-day research event to resolve/contribute to the resolution of global sustainability issues. The project topic and research must be long-term, sustainable, and last longer than the project events that take place in the year you are awarded funding. Gii funds may not be used for short-term research. The Gii program will award up to 25,000 USD to one ACS entity. Applications are open until December 23rd, 2024.
Apply Now for Spring 2025 Corporation Associates Grants
The Committee on Corporation Associates (CA) invites ACS Local Sections and International Chapters to apply for grants to support their industry-focused events, including job fairs or panel discussions with industry leaders. For more information and to apply, visit the CA Local Section and International Chapter Grants webpage.
CA also offers SEED grants to support the start of recurring programs or events focused on education in the chemical sciences, education of the public on the role of the chemical industry, and promotion of professionalism or safety in chemistry. To apply, visit the CA SEED Grant webpage. Apply today! Deadline for submissions is February 1, 2025, to be considered for the fall awards. Winners will be notified after the Spring 2025 meeting.
Global Innovation Grant (GIG) Now Open
The Global Innovation Grant (GIG) assists International Chapters, International Student Chapters, Technical Divisions, and Local Sections with travel, projects, and events. Grants up to $5,000 are available annually in support of IAC strategic interests and priorities and to catalyze new international collaborations and partnerships dedicated to solutions to global challenges. Collaboration between entities listed above is especially encouraged. Co-sponsored submissions from Divisions, Local Sections, and Committees with International Chapters will be given special consideration. Applications are open until January 10th, 2025.
Add Your Local Section Events to the ACS Events Hub
ACS Events is the one-stop shop for all ACS events happening globally, online, in-person and on-demand. Filter by location and connect to events happening near you. Search conferences, workshops, volunteer opportunities, social gatherings and more! Submit your events.
Nominate an Early-Career Chemist to C&EN’s Talented 12
C&EN’s Talented 12 program celebrates early-career chemists making a global impact in academia, industry, and government. C&EN is looking for diverse backgrounds, work areas, and scientific disciplines. Recognition in the Talented 12 can boost an individual's career, offering visibility, funding opportunities, and collaboration. Selected chemists will be featured in a special issue of C&EN and will be invited to speak at the ACS Fall 2025 Symposium. Submit a nomination by January 21 for the Talented 12 Class of 2025.
CPRC ChemLuminary Awards Expanded
The Committee on Public Relations and Communications (CPRC) has updated what have traditionally been local section awards to include divisions and international chapters. When you complete your annual report, please consider nominating your group for the following ChemLuminary Awards.
Best New Communications Program
This award recognizes outstanding new efforts by local sections, divisions, or international chapters to promote chemistry to the public or to members.
Outstanding Continuing Communications Program
This award recognizes outstanding continuing efforts by local sections, divisions, or international chapters to promote chemistry to the public or to members.
If your group needs some assistance with communications, request a Communication Enhancement, a rebranded PR Makeover.
Nominations for Heroes of Chemistry are now open!
Innovation paired with commercial success is worth recognizing. The Heroes of Chemistry Award is one of ACS's highest industry honors, recognizing companies that have developed successfully commercialized products that have had an impact on the welfare and progress of humanity. 2025 nominations are now being accepted through February 15, 2025. 
Any private or publicly owned for-profit company may nominate a team of chemists or allied scientists. Information on team eligibility is found on the HOC page. The company nominating the technology must be the current owner of the technology. Celebrate your company's hard work and success in innovation – nominate today!
Get The Word Out - Share with Your Local Section Members
ACS Speaker Directory - Share Your Expertise!
The ACS Speaker Directory is a brand-new resource - free for all ACS members to join - designed to connect experts **like you** with exciting speaking opportunities!
Reasons to Join
  • Elevate your profile within your local section by becoming a recognized leader in your field
  • Utilize your talents to inspire and educate others in the world of chemistry
  • Join a network of over 1,200 speakers who are experts in their fields
Share your passion, enhance the visibility of your work, and expand your professional network - apply to be a part of the ACS Speaker Directory today!
Plan now for IUPAC Global Women's Breakfast 2025
Join the global chemistry community in Accelerating Equity in Science and celebrating the International Year of Quantum Science and Technology on February 11, 2025. Learn more and register your event at IUPAC Global Women's Breakfast, including “ACS” in your event name.


Facing hardship? ACS is here to help.
Have you or your Members been negatively affected by unforeseen events and are dealing with extenuating circumstances? Please remind your constituents of the Proactive Membership Assistance Program from ACS. Please visit PMAP to learn about the resources available to Members and contact Membership Services at or by phone at 1-800-333-9511 to discuss options.
Attend Our Interactive CHAS Peer-Led Workshop!
The ACS Division of Chemical Health and Safety (CHAS) Peer-Led Workshop “RAMP in the Research Lab” will be facilitated on Sunday, February 9, 2025 from 2:00—5:30 PM EST via Zoom. This highly-interactive workshop is designed for frontline researchers in academic institutions, including graduate students, postdoctoral scholars, and undergraduate students. Participants will be introduced to the principles of the RAMP risk management framework and have the opportunity to practice each step in this process using a series of case studies and discussion sessions. Interested parties must register by Friday, January 31, 2024 on EventBrite. The registration cost is $25.00.
Celebrate the International Year of Quantum Science and Technology in 2025.
This coming year marks 100 years since the initial development of quantum mechanics, leading the United Nations to proclaim 2025 as the International Year of Quantum Science and Technology (IYQ)!
Help raise public awareness of the importance and impact of quantum science and applications on all aspects of life by visiting the IYQ website, incorporating quantum science into your 2025 plans, and sharing resources and events.