Dear Local Section Leaders,
Please mark your calendars to join us for our next local section webinar “Best Practices for Managing Your Component Groups” to be held on Wednesday, November 20th from 1:00-2:30 PM ET. ACS staff from Component Services, Global Engagement, and the Office of the ACS Secretary will provide expert guidance on effectively managing your group through Community Connection. Register today to reserve your seat.
Beth Lorsbach,
Chair, Local Section Activities Committee
Boost Your Local Section’s Impact – Join the ACS Membership Drive Competition!
As an ACS Local Section officer, you play a vital role in growing and engaging with chemists in your your community. Now is your chance to amplify your group’s reach while competing for cash prizes! The ACS Membership Drive Competition (October 1 – November 15, 2024) is your opportunity to increase your funding, allowing your local section to do more for its members.
Here’s how it works: The top 5 local sections that show the greatest percentage of membership growth (either new members or renewals) from October 15 – November will win $1000 each. These funds can be used to host events, support your mission and vision, or bring new opportunities to your members. In addition, all sections will receive a $15 member commission for each new member.
To make it even easier to grow your membership, we’re offering a 30% discount on the cost of ACS membership. Members may simply enter the discount code when joining or renewing their membership and enjoy the benefits. Share this discount code to encourage your colleagues to join!
Local Sections: LSGROW24
You’re welcome to use and modify these email templates to contact members and community associates residing in your local section territory. Compete, grow, win!
Competition Rules:
- Eligibility: All Local Sections can participate.
- Winners: The top 5 ACS Local Sections with the highest percentage of new and renewal memberships will be selected. The percentage is based on the minimum member requirement for Local Sections.
- Deadline: Entries must be submitted by 11:59 PM ET on November 15, 2024.
- Prizes: Top 5 winners will receive $1,000 USD, subject to completion of annual report submissions. ACS may withhold funds at its discretion and reserves the right to revoke prizes.
- Membership Discount: A 30% discount is available through the competition deadline for all potential members.
- ACS may modify, suspend, or cancel the competition or discounts at any time. ACS has the final say on any point not outlined in the competition rules
2024 Annual Reports Now Live in ACS Community Connection
We are pleased to announce that ACS Community Connection, the online service for annual report and event submissions, is now available for the 2024 Local Section Annual Reporting cycle. Please bookmark the Annual Reporting web page for easy access to the Community Connection login page, user guides, and other important resources. All 2024 and 2025 local section officers may access Community Connection with their ACS ID and password.
The chair of your local section may designate additional non-officer volunteers (e.g., Community Activities Coordinator, YCC Chair, Webmaster, etc.) to access and complete your group's annual report and event forms. To assign a non-officer access to Community Connection, please send the non-officer's name, local section affiliation, and ACS ID to
The deadline for submitting your completed annual report and ChemLuminary self-nominations is February 15, 2025. Your local section's 2025 allotment will be released to your treasurer following your local section's annual report submission.
ACS Officer Reporting Window is Now Open
The Office of the Secretary is happy to announce that the reporting window opened on November 1, 2024 to submit the 2025 Local Section, Division, and International Science Chapters certified election results for Officers. Please utilize the Community Connection platform to certify your Councilors and Officers. The deadline to submit your certified results is December 1, 2024. Thank you for your volunteer efforts on behalf of the American Chemical Society, and please contact with any questions.
Now Live: eRosters Available in ACS Community Connection
We are pleased to announce that eRosters are now available to download in ACS Community Connection. This product enhancement will allow you to access your eRoster files, submit annual reports, report election results all from the convenience of your component group’s dashboard.
Save the Dates!
November 12, 2024
Last date to access September Roster.
November 20, 2024
Best Practices for Managing Your Component Groups.
December 1, 2024
Last date to report election results for Officers.
January 31- February 2, 2025
ACS Leadership Institute.
Please ask your 2025 Local Section Chair-elect to attend the 2025 ACS Leadership Institute (LI). This exciting weekend will feature track-based training and development as well as all-attendee sessions and networking events. More details and a link for registration will be sent to all local section leaders later this month.
Chemical Technical Professionals Engagement Grant
The Committee on Chemical Technical Professionals (CTP) is offering a limited number of $500 grants to local sections wishing to sponsor an event or activity (this includes virtual events) that will increase the engagement of Chemical Technical Professionals (CTP) in their communities. Please see the link here for details and to apply. The deadline is Friday, November 29, 2024.
Book your next speaker using the ACS Speaker Directory and receive a $200 mini-grant this year! There are over 1,300 speakers and countless topics to choose from. Find your next speaker today at
New ChemLuminary Award Sponsored by CCS and YCC!
The ACS Committee on Chemical Safety (CCS) and the Younger Chemists Committee (YCC) are excited to announce a new joint ChemLuminary Award! The Outstanding Activity Promoting Research Safety ChemLuminary Award recognizes outstanding achievements for an impactful activity organized by or for younger chemists, to include young faculty, postdocs, and graduate students, that promote chemical safety in research laboratories. Nominations for this award open on November 1, 2024, and close on February 15, 2025. ChemLuminary Awards nominations should be submitted by Local Sections, Divisions, or International Science Chapter officers in their unit’s Annual Report. Please contact for more information.
Facing hardship? ACS is here to help.
Have you or your Members been negatively affected by unforeseen events and are dealing with extenuating circumstances? Please remind your constituents of the Proactive Membership Assistance Program from ACS. Please visit PMAP to learn about the resources available to Members and contact Membership Services at or by phone at 1-800-333-9511 to discuss options.
Prepare for Volunteer Opportunities with kids
With National Chemistry Week behind us, and almost 2000 ACS Background Checks complete, the ACS Youth Protection Policy is in full swing. Remind those who may want to volunteer for an ACS Youth Event to also get their required background screening done. Getting checked is easy – one volunteer marveled that it only took one day for clearance! Sterling Volunteers is conducting checks for all adult volunteers at ACS Youth Events.
Visit the webpage, which includes a tutorial video, procedural information, and FAQs that include details about ACS and co-sponsored event requirements, and screening for student, non-U.S. residents and other volunteers. If you need advice about whether volunteers need to be cleared, send an email to
Plan now for IUPAC Global Women's Breakfast 2025

Spring and Fall 2025 Kavli Emerging Leader in Chemistry Lecture Nominations
Nominations for both the Spring 2025 and Fall 2025 Kavli Foundation Emerging Leader in Chemistry lecture are now open! Each ACS Committee and Division may nominate up to two individuals for this award with approval of the respective Chair. The nominee must be a distinguished younger scientist who is highly regarded by their peers for significant contributions to an area of chemistry or related multidisciplinary area of chemistry and no more than 40 years old or no more than ten years past receipt of their Ph.D. as of the lecture date to be considered. Please visit the award website for full details. The deadline for submission is Friday, November 29, 2024.
Add Your Local Section Events to the ACS Events Hub
ACS Events is the one-stop shop for all ACS events happening globally, online, in-person and on-demand. Filter by location and connect to events happening near you. Search conferences, workshops, volunteer opportunities, social gatherings and more! Submit your events.
ACS Graduate Student Organizations
ACS invites graduate students and existing Grad Student Organizations (GSOs) in chemical science departments across the country to charter an ACS GSO now! As members of an ACS GSO, students can join a connected community, apply for grants, grow professionally, and serve their community. Learn more about how to start an ACS GSO on our webpage.
Celebrate the International Year of Quantum Science and Technology in 2025.
This coming year marks 100 years since the initial development of quantum mechanics, leading the United Nations to proclaim 2025 as the International Year of Quantum Science and Technology (IYQ)!
Help raise public awareness of the importance and impact of quantum science and applications on all aspects of life by visiting the IYQ website, incorporating quantum science into your 2025 plans, and sharing resources and events.
Take Advantage of ACS Volunteer Recognition Programs!
The Committee on Community Activities (CCA) recognizes the immeasurable outreach efforts made by ACS local section members through the annual ACS Outreach Volunteer of the Year program. If you have an individual who has demonstrated extraordinary outreach volunteer service to your local community, we encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity!
CCA will select one section or chapter awardee to be named the Global Outreach Volunteer of the Year. Nominate now by completing the submission form here. Each section or chapter may recognize one individual annually. Submissions are accepted until 5 p.m. ET on December 15, 2024.
Sign Up to Participate in the 2025 US National Chemistry Olympiad
The U.S. National Chemistry Olympiad (USNCO) is a multi-tiered competition designed to stimulate and promote achievement in high school chemistry. It is sponsored by the American Chemical Society. Register your local section to participate in this year's competition. To participate, appoint a USNCO Chair for your local section and have them complete the 2025 Participation Form by December 15th, 2024. Check out the USNCO website for more information. If you have any questions, email
Nominations Now Open for the 2026 ACS National Award
Now is your chance to recognize a chemist who inspires you. Applications for the 2026 ACS National Award are now being accepted! Candidates from diverse backgrounds and groups within the chemistry enterprise are encouraged to apply. Submit your nominations today! Applications close November 1.
Featured Awards:
- Dong Qin ACS Award in Nanochemistry
- Thomas H. Parliment Award for Advances in Flavor Chemistry
- David A. Evans Award for the Advancement and Education of Organic Synthesis
- Priestley Medal
- Marks-Ipatieff Award in Catalysis
- ACS Award in Creative Invention
- ACS Award in Surface Chemistry
- Elias J. Corey Award for Outstanding Original Contribution in Organic Synthesis by a Young Investigator
For detailed descriptions of all national awards, as well as instructions on how to submit nominations, please visit the ACS National Awards home page.
Get The Word Out - Share with Your Local Section Members
ACS Speaker Directory - Share Your Expertise!
The ACS Speaker Directory is a brand-new resource - free for all ACS members to join - designed to connect experts **like you** with exciting speaking opportunities!
Reasons to Join
- Elevate your profile within your local section by becoming a recognized leader in your field
- Utilize your talents to inspire and educate others in the world of chemistry
- Join a network of over 1,200 speakers who are experts in their fields
Share your passion, enhance the visibility of your work, and expand your professional network - apply to be a part of the ACS Speaker Directory today!
Nominations for Heroes of Chemistry are now open!
Innovation paired with commercial success is worth recognizing. The Heroes of Chemistry Award is one of ACS's highest industry honors, recognizing companies that have developed successfully commercialized products that have had an impact on the welfare and progress of humanity. 2025 nominations are now being accepted through February 15, 2025.
Any private or publicly owned for-profit company may nominate a team of chemists or allied scientists. Information on team eligibility is found on the HOC page. The company nominating the technology must be the current owner of the technology. Celebrate your company's hard work and success in innovation – nominate today!
November Virtual Office Hours
Perfect for students and young professionals - learn the skills you need to find internship opportunities, market yourself, develop your résumé, and land the position!
Join the American Chemical Society (ACS) on Thursday, Nov. 7th at 12:00pm ET as we present our next Virtual Office Hour, 'Finding and Securing an Internship.'
- Prepare a toolkit comprised of your résumé, an elevator pitch, and online presence.
- Market yourself through networking, content generation, and “showing up”.
- Find the job, both the typical and the hidden/unconventional.
Global Innovation Imperatives (Gii) program provides funding to an ACS entity (international chapter, local section, ACS division, international student chapter) to hold a multi-day research event to resolve/contribute to the resolution of global sustainability issues. The project topic and research must be long-term, sustainable, and last longer than the project events that take place in the year you are awarded funding. Gii funds may not be used for short-term research. The Gii program will award up to 25,000 USD to one ACS entity. Applications are open until December 16th, 2024.
Careers in the Chemical Sciences - New Profiles
Careers & the Chemical Sciences helps students and early career professionals explore over 40 sub-fields of chemistry and discover the wide range of career paths available within the chemical enterprise.
We encourage you to read our latest profiles:
- Kailey Wyman - Research Brewing Apprentice at Mark Anthony Brewing
- Daniel Fonseca - Lead Technical Service and Development Specialist at The Dow Chemical Company
- Keon Reid - Director of Product Commercialization, Strategic Partnerships, and Initiatives at Fiserv, Inc.