Bates College Halloween Event - Oct. 31st, 2017
On Tuesday, October, 31st, the Bates Chemical Society held their first event, a Halloween-themed demonstration show. Demonstrations included “Smashing Pumpkins” with liquid nitrogen, “Colorful Burning Pumpkins” with various salts, “The Foaming Pumpkin” with elephant’s toothpaste, and the grand finale of “The Self-Carving Pumpkin” using the ignition of acetylene gas generated by the reaction of calcium carbide with water. (Picture caption: Bates Chemical Society members from L to R: Emma Futamura, Nathan Frederick, David Katzman, Margaret Trombly, Oriana Lo Cicero, Xiaomeng Wang, Ernestine Whitaker, and Nathanael Kuzio after the event.)