Maine Section of the American Chemical Society Student Awards Program 2025 Purpose: To recognize excellence in student achievement in chemistry at the undergraduate level. Eligibility: Nominees must be graduating with a BA or BS in chemistry/biochemistry from a department that has an approved major. Detailed criteria shall be left up to the faculty of each nominating institution but shall generally include scholarly achievement as evidenced by GPA and other measures and promise for research, teaching or other career in chemistry. Nominations: Up to one nominee per year will be recognized from each eligible 4-year program in the State of Maine. A nomination letter should come from the chair of the department and should give the name of the student and include information about the nominee and the reasons for selection. Award: The recognition award will consist of a certificate and a $150 cash award. The Maine Section asks the nominator to work with the nominee to supply a brief biographical sketch and statement of future plans that can be used in its newsletter and website. Dates: Nominations should be sent to the Awards Committee Chair by Friday, March 28, 2025. The nomination packets will be reviewed by the Awards Committee. It is preferable that nominations be sent electronically. We will make every effort to have certificates and award checks sent by April 25, 2025 in order to be available for distribution at graduation or other ceremonies. Please notify the Section of special needs with regards to timing if there is a ceremony for distribution of awards in advance of this date. Contacts: François Amar, Treasurer/Awards Committee Chair (207) 944-3151
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The Maine ACS Local Section would like to invite you to attend (in person or via zoom) a presentation at the UMaine campus, Orono, on Cobalt Disulfide Cathodes for Use in Thermal Batteries Christopher Apblett, Senior Scientist, Power Sources Technology Group, Sandia National Laboratories Friday, April 26, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. at the University of Maine campus in Room 140 Williams Hall The talk will be available via zoom at the following link:
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Maine Section of the American Chemical Society Student Awards Program 2024 Purpose: To recognize excellence in student achievement in chemistry at the undergraduate level. Eligibility: Nominees must be graduating with a BA or BS in chemistry/biochemistry from a department that has an approved major. Detailed criteria shall be left up to the faculty of each nominating institution but shall generally include scholarly achievement as evidenced by GPA and other measures and promise for research, teaching or other career in chemistry. Nominations: Up to one nominee per year will be recognized from each eligible 4-year program in the State of Maine. A nomination letter should come from the chair of the department and should give the name of the student and include information about the nominee and the reasons for selection. Award: The recognition award will consist of a certificate and a $150 cash award. The Maine Section asks the nominator to work with the nominee to supply a brief biographical sketch and statement of future plans that can be used in its newsletter and website. Dates: Nominations should be sent to the Awards Committee Chair by Friday, March 29, 2024. The nomination packets will be reviewed by the Awards Committee. It is preferable that nominations be sent electronically. We will make every effort to have certificates and award checks sent by April 15th, 2024 in order to be available for distribution at graduation or other ceremonies. Please notify the Section of special needs with regards to timing if there is a ceremony for distribution of awards in advance of this date. Individual letters to department chairs will be forthcoming soon.
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The Maine local section provides funding for students to attend ACS meetings, visit chemistry related businesses and government laboratories, and other chemistry related travel. We will consider requests on a rolling basis, but preferably at least three weeks prior to the planned travel. The request should include the educational purpose and the student(s) who are involved at the K-12, 2-year or 4-year undergraduate, or graduate level, as well as the ACS local section member(s) who will be organizing the student travel request. For travel to a meeting, provide a description of the meeting, the students involved and whether they are presenting. For a visit to a chemistry related company or government laboratory, provide a description of how the opportunity will benefit the students. The proposed expenditures should be outlined in the request. Only trips submitted to the Student Travel subcommittee and recommended for funding will be eligible for support. Recommended proposals must be approved by the Maine ACS local section executive committee. Receipts must be submitted to get reimbursed. Based on the MEACS annual budget, the Section may not be able to fully fund travel so for proposals in excess of $200 per student or $1000 per group we encourage organizers to identify other sources for matching funds. A summary report including photos or description of the educational activity that could be used for promotional purposes by the MEACS is highly encouraged. Subsequent funding will be contingent on report of prior activities. The Maine Local Section of the American Chemical Society assumes no liability for the travel arrangements made by grantees. Student Travel Subcommittee members: Nancy Falk - Carol Libby - Francois Amar -
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Bates College Halloween Event - Oct. 31st, 2017 On Tuesday, October, 31st, the Bates Chemical Society held their first event, a Halloween-themed demonstration show. Demonstrations included “Smashing Pumpkins” with liquid nitrogen, “Colorful Burning Pumpkins” with various salts, “The Foaming Pumpkin” with elephant’s toothpaste, and the grand finale of “The Self-Carving Pumpkin” using the ignition of acetylene gas generated by the reaction of calcium carbide with water. (Picture caption: Bates Chemical Society members from L to R: Emma Futamura, Nathan Frederick, David Katzman, Margaret Trombly, Oriana Lo Cicero, Xiaomeng Wang, Ernestine Whitaker, and Nathanael Kuzio after the event.)
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