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Get Involved in NCW 2017 - Students Can Win Cash Prizes

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Get Involved in NCW 2017!

National Chemistry Week (NCW) is a community-based ACS program that unites local sections, technical divisions, student chapters, businesses, schools, and individuals in celebrating the importance of chemistry to our quality of life. NCW celebrates its 30th anniversary this year, October 22-28, 2017, with the theme, “Chemistry Rocks!”

There are many ways to participate in NCW. You can celebrate with us by planning an NCW event, such as planning a visit to a natural history museum or National Park. Be sure to take advantage of educational resources for K-12 teachers, including fun promotional products, informational slide decks, chemistry publications, and more.

Also, don’t forget to encourage students to participate in the Illustrated Poem Contest, where students can show off their creativity for a chance to win cash prizes.

Want to get started? Contact your NCW Coordinator today to request resources, materials, and event support.

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