Volunteer Support & Engagement

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Volunteer Support & Engagement

Welcome to the Component Groups category, home to a variety of public and private areas for ACS Local Sections, Divisions and other groups. Check to see if your group is posting content or collaborating.

The Committee on Corporation Associates (CA) invites ACS Local Sections and International Chapters to apply for grants to support their industry-focused events, including job fairs or panel discussions with industry leaders. For more information and to ap

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0 0 2,131

The purpose of the ACS-CWD (American Chemical Society – Committee on Chemists with Disabilities) Travel

Award is to encourage the participation of undergraduate/graduate students and post-docs with disabilities who will present a talk or poster at the Spr

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0 0 2,942

The ACS Senior Chemists Committee (SCC) will be offering a limited number of grants to local sections that wish to sponsor an event or activity that will increase the engagement of senior members and encourage innovative activities that will benefit the l

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0 0 2,951

Local Section/International Chapter Grants: The Committee on Corporation Associates provides funding for ACS Local Sections and International Chapters to promote industry-focused events at the local section and international chapter level. Events such as

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0 0 3,131
Contributor II

Get Involved in NCW 2017!

National Chemistry Week (NCW) is a community-based ACS program that unites local sections, technical divisions, student chapters, businesses, schools, and individuals in celebrating the importance of chemistry to our quality of l

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1 0 1,523
Contributor II

Will you be in DC for the National Meeting?  Come be a part of history and to help illustrate chemistry’s importance to the world!

Join us at 10 a.m. on August 21 at the 254th ACS National Meeting & Exposition in Ballroom A/B at the Washington Convention C

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2 0 779

U.S. National Chemistry Olympiad program proudly announced the extraordinary performance of the Alpha Kappa Team at the 49th International Chemistry Olympiad competition, which concluded July 15, 2017, in Nakhon Pathom, Thailand.

Harrison Wang of The Hinsd

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0 0 871

The U.S. National Chemistry Olympiad is proud to announce the finalists who will represent the U.S. at the 49th International Chemistry Olympiad in Nakhom Pathon, Thailand, July 6 - 15, 2017.

The members of the U.S. Team Alpha Kappa are:

Steven Liu of Mon

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0 0 769

The Committee on Corporation Associates provides funding for ACS Local Sections and International Chapters to promote industry-focused events at the local section and international chapter level. Events such as job fairs with local chemical employers, rés

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0 0 823
The 9th edition of Chemistry in Context is here!

The 9th edition of Chemistry in Context is here! And on June 16 & 17 you can attend a workshop to learn how to best use the text with your curriculum. Designed to teach chemistry at the undergraduate level to non-majors, CiC addresses real-world issues an

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0 0 988
Contributor II

Register Today for the lowest rates to the 21st Annual Green Chemistry & Engineering Conference (GC&E) held June 13-15, 2017 in Reston, Virginia.

Early Registration closes April 28!

This premier Conference on green chemistry and engineering annually hosts

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0 0 692

Are you looking for a creative way to recognize an outstanding K–12 teacher of chemistry in your area?  Consider sponsoring their membership to the American Association of Chemistry Teachers (AACT)!

AACT was launched by ACS in 2014 to provide customized s

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0 0 700

Nominations are now open for the 2017 class of ACS Fellows; the deadline for nominations is April 6, 2017. The selection of ACS Fellows is based on two criteria:

  • Documented excellence and leadership that has an impact in the science, the profession, educat
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0 0 844

Abstracts are open for submission from January 4, 2017 to February 13, 2017. Submit for presentation at the 21st Annual Green Chemistry & Engineering Conference (GC&E) held June 13-15, 2017 in Reston, Virginia.

This premier conference on gr

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0 0 800

The American Chemical Society (ACS) Fellows Program is now accepting nominations for 2017 ACS Fellows. The selection of ACS Fellows is based on two criteria:

  • Documented excellence and leadership that has an impact in the science, the profession, education
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1 0 765