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Are You Clever and Creative? Submit Your T-shirt Design Focused on Your Favorite Element!

Contributor II
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pastedImage_0.pngWe’re looking for a fresh, new, chemistry-related t-shirt design. Specifically, we’re looking for new and original designs around your favorite periodic table element. Do you have something witty you’ve been dying to see in print? Some chemistry pun about an element that is too good to keep to yourself? Submit your ideas by February 6, 2013 to and you could win a $100 Amazon gift certificate! Detailed artwork design is not required to be entered into the contest but please submit a full description of your t-shirt idea. The top designs will be selected for voting in February here on the ACS Network.

The best part is... we’ll print and sell the winning design in the ACS Store at the 245th ACS National Meeting in New Orleans this April. We'll also give you and a friend t-shirts with your winning idea.

Check out the winning design from our previous contest in the ACS Store. Hurry—the deadline for entry is February 6!