Member Profile
Name: Josh W Kurutz
Country: USA
City: Des Plaines
State/Province: IL
ACS Member: true
Local Section: L501,Chicago
Technical Division Membership: D502,Analytical Chemistry Division;D515,History of Chemistry Division
ACS Activities: 2017+ Chicago Section Historian, 2018+ Newsletter Digital Editor, 2012+ Web team member, 2014 Section Chair 2012 - present Member, Public Relations/New Technology Committee 2011- present Assistant Webmaster 2011-2012 Chair of College Education Committee 2010 Section Secretary 2009-2010 Local section Director 2009-present Local Section Program Committee member
Company/Institution Name: University of Chicago
Career Stage: Professional
Research and Special Interests: I manage the Chemistry NMR facility at University of Chicago, Research: I have a long history of bringing advanced NMR to a diverse range of projects: small molecule, protein, carbohydrate, complexes, screening, etc. Consulting: In addition to scientific collaboration, I advise on creation and management of core facilities: grant writing, budgeting, specifications of infrastructure needs such as chilled water and electrical backup, coordination with architects, construction crews, university administrators, granting agencies, etc.
Area of Expertise: NMR, Education, Core Facility Management, Jive, Online Community Management
Years of Expertise: 26 or more
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2 weeks ago
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