Benefits of the ACS Network - Why learn this new tool?

Benefits of the ACS Network - Why learn this new tool?

“I don’t have time to be in a social network”.

I’ve heard this said many times. I understand that it usually takes time to learn a new tool, but I would like to point out that the ACS Network can be a real time saver. If you aren’t sure whether you should join or remain in the ACS Network consider this:

ACS Network is a professional social community. Social does not mean unprofessional. Rather it means it describes this tool as a way to interact with others in the chemical community.

The ACS Network is a tool to help make connect the chemical community.  This is especially important as we find ourselves constrained by time or geography.

•The ACS Network is an extension of what many chemists do already. We network and discuss research and other items of interest at meetings. We make connections with others with similar interests to help find opportunities or career advancement. We collaborate on research and the resulting publishing of this research.

The community on the ACS Network is diverse and conversations from the community may spawn new ideas. Many times it is our interactions with others that help us find innovative solutions. Synergy is not acheived in isolation.

Specific activities you can pursue on the ACS Network:

Connect with other chemists with similar interests online. Follow up on those connections you make at meetings and other events.  Share ideas about science or network about career advancement

Share challenges and solutions to similar problems. The Network allows some of the same questions to be documented and enables problem solving from the collective mind instead of relying on a single person.

Collaborate online. The tools of the ACS Network allow groups of people to discuss topics and work on documents together in a single space. You no longer have to keep up with the dozens of emails when trying to work on a task or a document.

Better use your time, i.e. be more efficient. You no longer have to wait for that face-to-face meeting to discuss certain topics or business. You can prepare for meetings by sharing information before or and discussing after the meeting, allowing more work to be accomplished as a result of those special in-person meetings.

I hope people realize that maybe they can’t afford not to be a part of the ACS Network.

We would love to hear your thought on the benefits of the ACS Network. If you are not already, please log in and comment below.



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