Member Profile
Name: Roberto B Faria
Country: BRA
City: Niterói
ACS Member: Member
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International Chapter: Z701,Brazil
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Technical Division Membership Emeritus:
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Career Stage: Professional
Research and Special Interests: My main goal is to understand halogen chemistry (Cl, Br, I) in deep, specially in aqueous solution. As these halogens have many oxidation states, they produce complex kinetic phenomena like clock reaction and oscillating reactions. The complexities of these special chemical systems has attract my attention and now I work with them as a way to deeply understand halogen chemistry. As the ozone hole problem is connected with halogen chemistry, atmospheric chemistry has attract my attention too and I have worked in theoretical problems related with this area.
Area of Expertise: chemical kinetics, halogen chemistry, oscillating reactions
Years of Expertise: 26 or more
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‎12-15-2020 04:26 AM