Member Profile
Name: Coralia Osorio Roa
Country: COL
City: Bogota
ACS Member: Member
Local Section:
International Chapter: Z721,Colombia
Technical Division Membership: D501,Agricultural & Food Chemistry Division
Technical Division Membership Emeritus:
Subdivision Member:
ACS Activities: ACS International Activities awarded, 2005
Company/Institution Name: Universidad Nacional de Colombia-Sede Bogotá
Career Stage: Professional
Research and Special Interests: Chemical characterization of the compounds responsible for aroma and color of different tropical fruits at different maturity stages and the development of value-added products that preserve the original features (color, flavor and/or bioactive constituents) of fruits.
Area of Expertise: Flavor chemistry, pigments in foods analysis(anthocyanins and carotenoids), natural products chemistry, value-added food product development from fruits, LC-MS and NMR analyses of natural products.
Years of Expertise: 11-15
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‎04-17-2023 10:44 PM