Member Profile
Name: Nura Suleiman Gwaram
Country: Malaysia
City: Kuala Lumpur
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ACS Activities: Associate Member looking for a collaborative work to share experience in the field of research and innovations.
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Career Stage: Retired
Research and Special Interests: Currently a Ph.D. Student @ Universit of Malaya Kuala Lumpur Malaysia, doing so many researches concurrently with the aim of maximizing my Potentials in the various field of Chemistry including Bio-inorganic Chemistry and Applications. My Research project @ Present is: Synthesis, Characterization, X-Ray structures and Applications of Organometallic / inorganic Complexes.
Area of Expertise: Analytical Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry and Environmental Chemistry
Years of Expertise: 1-5
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‎12-15-2020 04:25 AM