Member Profile
Name: Stephanie H DeLuca
Country: USA
City: Washington
State/Province: DC
ACS Member: Member
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Career Stage: Retired
Research and Special Interests: I am currently a 4th-year graduate student at Vanderbilt University. I work in the lab of Jens Meiler in the Center for Structural Biology, where I develop RosettaEPR. This program allows for the de novo structure determination of both soluble and membrane proteins using knowledge-based scoring functions and sparse data obtained from site-directed spin labeling electron paramagnetic resonance (SDSL-EPR). After completing my doctoral degree (hopefully in 2013), I would like to find a postdoctoral position in a computational systems biology lab. I am also interested in a career in science policy but am open to avenues by which I can achieve this.
Area of Expertise: Computational protein structure prediction
Years of Expertise: 6-10
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Date Last Visited
‎12-15-2020 04:26 AM