Applications of Analytical and Radiochemistry for Harsh Environments
Abstract: The ability to detect small quantities of analyses from complex environments like nuclear waste or reprocessing streams can be challenging. The work presented in this symposium will describe the development of various analytical techniques including spectroscopy, separation science, and radiochemistry that are working to resolve these challenges.
Chairperson: Samuel Bryan,
William R. Heineman, University of Cincinnati
Job M. Bello, Spectra Solutions, Inc.
Amanda Lines, Washington State University/Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Shirmir Branch, University of Cincinnati
Samuel Bryan, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Gilbert Nelson, College of Idaho
Forrest Heller, Washington State University
Chairperson: John Keller, jwkeller[at]alaska[dot]edu
Symposium Website:
Michael Crowley, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden, CO
Thom H. Dunning, University of Washington/Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Roger Rousseau, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Steve Scheiner, Utah State University
Alan Shusterman, Reed College
Vanda Glezakou, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Kevin Riley, Xavier University
Cope Scholar/Organic Chemistry
Chairperson: Tom Green, tkgreen[at]alaska[dot]edu
Neil Garg, University of California Los Angeles
Jin-Quan Yu, Scripps Research Institute
Oliver Thiel, Amgen
Javier Read de Alaniz, University of California Santa Barbara
Uttam Tambar, University of Texas Southwestern
Sarah Bronner, Genentech
Daniel Caspi, AbbVie
High Latitude Pollution Chemistry
Abstract: High latitude regions and cities experience unique environmental conditions that affect the chemical transformations of pollution. This special session focuses on research into pollution of air, water, and food with an emphasis on differences in chemistry affected by low sunlight, cold temperatures, unique transport/stagnation. We seek participants from academic, regulatory, and industrial backgrounds.
Chairperson: Bill Simpson, wrsimpson[at]alaska[dot]edu
Carl Benson
Tim Bates
Patricia Quinn, NOAA PMEL, Seattle WA
Steven Brown, NOAA Boulder, CO
Hans Osthoff, University of Calgary, Canada
Amanda Grannas, Villanova University
Neurochemistry: Drug Discovery - From Natural Products to Medicinal Chemistry
Abstract: Study of natural products with pharmacological or biological activity offers an alternative approach to pharmaceutical drug discovery and drug design that builds on thousands of years of traditional knowledge. This session highlights research in the study of natural products chemistry and animal models of tolerance to disease as alternative approaches to standard drug design.
Chairperson: Thomas Kuhn, tbkuhn[at]alaska[dot]edu
Alexander G. Schauss, AIBMR Life Sciences
Christopher J. Destache, Creighton University Schools of Pharmacy & Health
Thomas B. Kuhn, University of Alaska Fairbanks
Jinhui Chen, Indiana University School of Medicine
Shaohua Yang, University of North Texas Health Science Center
Neurochemistry: Neuroinflammation, Stroke and Aging (I)
Abstract: Investments in the “BRAIN” initiative highlight the significance of understanding the brain to improve treatment of brain injury and disease. This session focuses on novel mechanisms and therapeutic targets to treat stroke, neuroinflammation, aging and traumatic brain injury.
Chairperson: Kelly Drew, kdrew[at]alaska[dot]edu
Shan Ping Yu, Emory University School of Medicine
Ling Wei, Emory University School of Medicine
Huangui (Hank) Xiong, University of Nebraska Medical Center
Jie Wu, Barrow Neurological Institute, St. Joseph's Hospital and Medical Center
Zezong Gu, University of Missouri-Columbia School of Medicine
Neurochemistry: Neuroinflammation, Stroke and Aging (II)
Abstract: Investments in the “BRAIN” initiative highlight the significance of understanding the brain to improve treatment of brain injury and disease. This session focuses on novel mechanisms and therapeutic targets to treat stroke, neuroinflammation, aging and traumatic brain injury.
Chairpersons: Shann Ping Yu, spyu[at]emory[dot]edu
John H. Zang, Loma Linda University School of Medicine
Huanyu Dou, Texas Tech. University Health Sciences Center
Kelly Drew, University of Alaska Fairbanks
Dong Sun, Virginia Commonwealth University
Recent Advances in Transition Metal Chemistry
Chairperson: Joshua Pak, pakjosh[at]isu[dot]edu
Joshua Pak, Idaho State University
Bill Howard, University of Alaska Fairbanks
Darren Johnson, University of Oregon
Brandi Cossairt, University of Washington
Eric Brown, Boise State University
Michelle Dolgos, Oregon State University
Bhaskar Chilukuri
How to Engage Today's Students and Citizens in STEM Courses
Chairperson: Larry Duffy, lkduffy[at]alaska[dot]edu
Abstract: The development of students' critical thinking and problem-solving skills is an important goal for teachers of STEM students. This symposium will be based on pedagogical ideas to support the various aspects of critical thinking and problem solving, as well as strategies for assessing students' skills in these areas. Presentations describing activities in the classroom, the use of technology, practical solutions to problems, unique laboratory experiments, demonstrations, practical applications, pedagogy, assessment, scholarly work and education research at the secondary and tertiary levels are appropriate. The development of new interdisciplinary modules, and faculty networks for informal education activities, including citizen science, will also be highlighted.
Catherine Middlecamp, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Theresia Schnurr, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
David Kumar
Linda Nicholas-Figueroa, Illisagvik Tribal College, Barrow AK
Todd Radenbaugh, University of Alaska, Dillingham, AK
Thomas Holme
Sarah Hayes
Gwendolyn Shusterman
Small Chemical Business Symposium - Entrepreneurs' Toolkit: Resources and True Stories
Janet Bryant, janetlbryant[at]pnnl[dot]gov
Joel Sabol
Abstract - The Division of Small Chemical Businesses (SCHB) brings you the Entrepreneurs' Toolkit: Resources and True Stories. This all-day track for NORM brings Division programming to the Northwest Region, thanks to a grant from the ACS Division Activities Committee (DAC). Two sessions will highlight resources available for business-focused chemists who wish to take their chemistry from research to jobs! Learn from colleagues who are successful, expand your network and thinking about chemistry innovation, and learn about current training of the next generation of chemists to think about the societal impacts and importance of their research.
Peter Dorhout
Amelia Nestler
Lauren H.
Joseph Sabol
John Sophos
Judith Giordan
Janet Bryant
Michelle Dolgos
Darren Johnson
Sumit Saha
Jenn Amador
Daniel Leonard
Ismael Rodriguez Perez