Notes on first Bibliometrics Group Online Meeting
January 31, 2011
Andrew White (SUNY Stony Brook)
Luti Salisbury (University of Arkansas)
Steve Hansen (ACS)
Drivers for focusing on bibliometrics
- Satisfying customer expectations
- Understand emerging measurements of value/impact
- Customers
- Receiving metrics to match internal value proposition, justify expenditures and $ allocation
- Content evaluation and prioritization
Steps to identify/report out
- What metrics are used to measure value?
- Differences by sector? (Academic, Government/Not-for-Profit, Corporate)
- ARL vs. 4-year college?
- What metrics are libraries using to run their business? (broad question – likely more than publisher data)
- What other ways are metrics (publisher data) used?
Organizing Principle – analyze bibliometrcis through the lens of
- The value of a particular article to a particular scientist
- Citations and library metrics (Impact Factor and Citation counts for example) – how does this address new journals?
- Publisher needs – supporting the publisher’s business i.e. business models
Challenges - Andrew
- Identify the problems with usage as a metric (current COUNTER)
- Demographics as a missing factor in evaluation – who used what where and why. How might this impact decisions on acquisitions? On library resources? On further actions or outreach?
- Challenges with currently accepted value measures – Impact Factor, etc.
Emerging trends – what are the bibliometrics of the future? Steve
Books (not assigned)
- What are the meaningful metrics for books? How do these relate to periodicals? What existing or emerging bibliometrics support resource allocation decisions between the two publication formats?
Technology – Sushi? Other? (not assigned)
Competitive Analysis – best practices on providing bibliometrics Luti
- Nature’s rate your article approach, etc.