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Bibliometrics Group Online meeting Notes

Bibliometrics Group Online meeting Notes

Notes on first Bibliometrics Group Online Meeting

January 31, 2011


Andrew White  (SUNY Stony Brook)

Luti Salisbury  (University of Arkansas)

Steve Hansen  (ACS)

Drivers for focusing on bibliometrics

  • ACS
    • Satisfying customer expectations
    • Understand emerging measurements of value/impact
  • Customers
    • Receiving metrics to match internal value proposition, justify expenditures and $ allocation
    • Content evaluation and prioritization

Steps to identify/report out

  • What metrics are used to measure value?
    • Differences by sector? (Academic, Government/Not-for-Profit, Corporate)
    • ARL vs. 4-year college?
  • What metrics are libraries using to run their business?  (broad question – likely more than publisher data)
  • What other ways are metrics (publisher data) used?

Organizing Principle – analyze bibliometrcis through the lens of

  • The value of a particular article to a particular scientist
  • Citations and library metrics (Impact Factor and Citation counts for example) – how does this address new journals?
  • Publisher needs – supporting the publisher’s business i.e. business models

Challenges - Andrew

  • Identify the problems with usage as a metric (current COUNTER)
  • Demographics as a missing factor in evaluation – who used what where and why.  How might this impact decisions on acquisitions?  On library resources?  On further actions or outreach?
  • Challenges with currently accepted value measures – Impact Factor, etc.

Emerging trends – what are the bibliometrics of the future?  Steve

Books  (not assigned)

  • What are the meaningful metrics for books?  How do these relate to periodicals?  What existing or emerging bibliometrics support resource allocation decisions between the two publication formats?

Technology – Sushi?  Other?  (not assigned)

Competitive Analysis – best practices on providing bibliometrics  Luti

  • Nature’s rate your article approach, etc.
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