Data Curation

Data Curation

One of our priorities for the year will be issues relating to ACS' role in data curation and citation.  I would like to start a discussion on data curation efforts and engage any of you who are interested in this topic.  First off, who among you are engaged in this effort? ... whose organization is actively engaged with STM data?

I have posted a paper Julie Sweetkind-Singer and I wrote for IATUL 2010 as an attachment.  This will give you a good overview of our approach at Stanford and where we stood as of last Spring.  We have progressed in the last six months and are planning to make this a major focus in our science library and IT portfolio.

Relevant to ACS are issues involving: 1) citation standards, and 2) how to work with existing and developing data repositories.  Other topics???

We see a great deal of interest in data curation amongst our ARL colleagues and suspect that this area of development will become quite active in the 2-5 year term.

'Bob Schwarzwalder

Previous Community Member


Thanks for the post and for sharing the paper.  This topic is one of several that the ACS attendees at the November meeting took away for further discussion.  It will be very valuable for us to get the view from outside ACS' walls as well, and to hear what you are doing to manage data, and what role you believe ACS can play.  Obviously, with the NSF initiative and other drivers on data management/curation, this topic will continue to receive attention and investment from all sides.

Let's add this to our agenda for the December discussion, at least to share some further thoughts following our November meeting and to draft a plan to keep this topic near the top of our priortities.