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Library Summit Strategy - Your feedback requested

Library Summit Strategy - Your feedback requested

Dear CAP Members,

Brandon’s open letter to the library community promised that we would engage in library outreach in 2013. We delayed our January meeting so that we could develop this strategy internally, share it with you, and then implement it both domestically and overseas. We are looking for your feedback on the proposal below.

One critical component of this strategy is to conduct nation-wide library “summits” focused in the academic sector, bringing together groups of 6-9 librarians regionally to discuss our pricing model, academic pricing generally, the benefits/pitfalls of tiered pricing, and how libraries manage change in a flat or shrinking budget environment.


The purpose of these meetings is threefold:

1.     Clarify misconceptions around our pricing model in light of ongoing circulating misinformation

2.     Foster engaged discussion with our customers about their experience of the print-to-web pricing transition and how they managed that change

3.     Explore what kinds of pricing structures might be developed in the future that adequately account for increasing usage, increasing content, and decreasing budgets.


Since we propose to focus our time on panel and group discussions, only the opening remarks will be presented by ACS staff.

1.     OVERVIEW of Value Based Pricing: philosophy, background, and implementation

2.     PANEL with summit participants: Impacts of the print-to-digital transitions, the benefits/challenges that resulted, and their views on the history/evolution of journal pricing

3.     OPEN DISCUSSION: How do you develop equitable pricing with a digital product? Best practices?  Metrics for use? Value?

4.     OPEN DISCUSSION: How do you transition/manage change? How do you transition from print-to-digital world to a purely digital?

We plan on holding 5-6 of these summits domestically in 2013 and several more internationally.

We would like to invite you to join a call next week (see the Doodle poll below to share your preferences) to discuss our plans more fully and get your feedback and insights into our overall strategies for improving dialog and engagement with librarians, across all sectors.

Please let us know which dates/times work for you.

Please let us know which dates/times work for you. The options are 10am, 2pm, or 4pm eastern time Tuesday-Wednesday and Thursday 10AM eastern. Please ignore the Monday options.




This strategy may, or may not, address concerns of the academic community.  Are there plans to address equivalent concerns of government customers?