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I discovered the best in chemistry with ACS!

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The last day of congress was good. It ended up with the final plenary talk by Grubbs and closing ceremony. Even though it was not my field of research, I enjoyed listening to his research.  I watched his lecture three years ago, talking about his future work, and today he successfully completed the work.

We had Kristin Brown, one of awardee, presented her work which was related to Structural dynamics of covalent perylene-based systems probed with femtosecond stimulated Raman spectroscopy! She got more questions than other presenters I ever seen so far. She handled all questions. She did a wonderful job!

I am glad I was fortunate enough to be one of the award winners. It was totally my pleasure to meet all of the awesome and remarkable people around. I would like to thank ACS, Steven Meyers, and Madeline Jacob for awarding us to come to Czech Republic to present our work. Now I am going back home with full of knowledge.

“I discovered the best in chemistry with ACS”