2000 Archived Activities

2000 Section Activities

  • February 29 - Spring Travel Award applications due. Click HERE to download an application form readable by Adobe Acrobat Reader(free).
Spring Travel Award Winners
all awardees will be presenting at the Spring ACS National Meeting

Alan Tkaczyk (undergraduate)
Dr. Otaigbe, advisor, ISU, MS&E

Dan Emrich (graduate student)
Dr. Larock, advisor, ISU, Chemistry

Steve Gagnier (graduate student)
Dr. Larock, advisor, ISU, Chemistry

Xiangfand Li (graduate student)
Dr. Seagrave, advisor, ISU, Chemical Engr.

  • March 9 - Coover Lecture given by Prof. Jackie Barton from CalTech University, Department of Chemistry. For additional information, please contact Jack Horowitz.
Lecture Title: "DNA-Mediated Charge Transport: Chemistry at a Distance"
1414 Molecular Biology Building, ISU, 8 pm


  • March - Early April - Local Chemistry Olympiad exams administered. For additional information, please click HERE or please contact Katya Kadnikov. Nominations are needed from area high schools by April 7th.


  • April 11 - Seminar given by Dr. George M. Bodner from Purdue University, Department of Chemistry. For additional information, please contact Joe Burnett.
Lecture Title: "New Approaches to the Teaching of Chemical Concepts"
1652 Gilman Hall, ISU, 7:30 pm
  • April 15 - Chemistry Olympiad National Exam. Iowa State University will serve as a site for this exam. For additional information, please contact Katya Kadnikov.


  • September 27 - Seminar given by Dr. Yorke Rhodes from New York University. For additional information, please contact Joe Burnett.
Lecture Title: "Astrochemistry: Evolution of Organic Molecules in Intersteller Clouds"
Room TBA, ISU, 7:30 pm
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