March 7- Seminar given by Prof. Robert P. Bates, from the Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition at the University of Florida. For additional information, please contact Joe Burnett.
Lecture Title: "What You Always Wanted To Know about Chemicals in Foods but Were Afraid To Eat"" 1352 Gilman Hall, ISU, 8 pm
March - Early April - Local Chemistry Olympiad exams administered. For additional information, please click HERE or please contact Katya Kadnikov.
September 30 - Travel grant application due for travel to ACS regional or national meetings between January 1st and July 31st, 2001. Click HERE to download an application form readable by Adobe Acrobat Reader (free). For additional information, please contact Joe Burnett.
Completed applications should be sent to
Joe Burnett ACS Ames Section Chair Chemistry Department Iowa State University Ames, IA 50011-3111
October 3- Seminar given by Prof. John Fortman from Wright State University. For additional information, please contact Joe Burnett.
Lecture Title: "America's Funniest Chemical Videos: Dazzling Demos and Videotaped Bloopers" 1352 Gilman Hall, ISU, 7:30 pm