2002 Archived Activities

2002 Section Activities

  • March/April - U.S. National Chemistry Olympiad, Preliminary Exams. Contact Ryan Steele for more information.


  • April 1st - Travel award applications due. Three $100 travel awards will be awarded for travel to ACS local or national meetings between January 1st and July 31st, 2002 by undergraduate and graduate students and post docs. Completed applications should be sent to
Joe Burnett
ACS Ames Section Chair
Chemistry Department
Iowa State University
Ames, IA 50011-3111
Applications are due by April 1st. You will be notified by email by April 26th if you will be receiving an award. Please see the application for details on the selection process. Click HERE to download an application form readable by Adobe Acrobat Reader(free).


Congratulations to this year's winners:

  • Ivana Adamovic, "DFT Based Effective Fragment Potential Method" from Prof. Gordon's group at ISU, oral presentation at the National ACS meeting in Orlando.
  • Xiaoxia Zhang, "Palladium Approaches to Highly Substituted 1,3-Dienes" from Prof. Larock's group at ISU, oral presentation at the National ACS meeting in Orlando.
  • Laura Salazar, "Synthesis and Characterization of Functionalized Poly(arylene phosphine oxide)s" from Prof. Sheare's group at ISU, oral presentation at the National ACS meeting in Orlando.
  • Qinhua Huang, "Synthesis of Isoquinolines by Palladium-catalyzed Cyclization, Followed by a Heck Reaction" from Prof. Larock's group at ISU, oral presentation at the National ACS meeting in Orlando.
  • Dmitry Kadnivov, "Synthesis of 2-quinolones via Palladium-catalyzed Carbonylative Annulation of Internal Alkynes with N-substituted-o-iodoanalines" from Prof. Larock's group at ISU, oral presentation at the National ACS meeting in Orlando.


  • April 9-10 - Iowa State Science and Techology Fair. We are looking for people interested in judging this event. Judging can be done anytime from 1:15 - 9 pm on April 9 or from 10 am - 2 pm on April 10. If you are interested, please contact Joe Burnett.


  • April 24th (Wednesday) - Seminar given by Prof. Joseph Nagyvary. For additional information, please contact Mark Vilthe.
Lecture Title: "Renaissance Chemistry and Violin Making in Cremona"
Sheslow Auditorium, Drake University, 7:30 pm
Refreshments will be served at 7 pm
  • April 27th (Saturday) - Spring Social and Meeting - 3pm to 5pm. For additional information, please contact Joe Burnett.
Keynote Speaker: Dr. Lee R. Hagey
Analytical Chemist, San Diego Zoo
Talk Title: "Cracking the Code of the Giant Panda's Chemical Language"
Location: Carver Center, Pioneer-Hibred International

Directions to the Carver Center: Take Interstate 35/80 to the 86th Street exit. Take 86th Street north (right) 2 miles to N.W. 62nd Street. Turn east (left) onto N.W. 62nd Street, continue 1 mile to the Carver Center at Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc.

Click HERE to download a poster session application readable by Adobe Acrobat Reader (free).


  • May 2nd - Coover Lecture given by Prof. Robin Hochstrasser, Donner Professor of Physical Sciences, University of Pennsylvania.
Lecture Title: "Structural Dynamics of Molecules in Solution and in Liquids using Coherent Vibrational Methods: Infrared Analogues of NMR"
ISU, Room 1352 Gilman Hall, 8:00 pm
  • October 1st - Travel award applications due. Three $100 travel awards will be awarded for travel to ACS local or national meetings between August 1st and December 31st, 2002 by undergraduate and graduate students and post docs. Completed applications should be sent to
Joe Burnett
ACS Ames Section Chair
Chemistry Department
Iowa State University
Ames, IA 50011-3111
Applications are due by October 1st. You will be notified by email by November 1st if you will be receiving an award. Please see the application for details on the selection process. Click HERE to download an application form readable by Adobe Acrobat Reader(free).
  • October 9th (Wednesday) - Seminar given by Ms. Ann Mary Nefcy. For additional information, please contact Joe Burnett.
Lecture Title: "Today's Environmental Chemistry"
ISU, Room TBA, ISU, 7:30 pm
  • November 20th (Wednesday) - Seminar given by Prof. Ronald DeLorenzo. For additional information, please contact Joe Burnett.
Lecture Title: "From the Loch Ness Monster to the Killer Lake of Cameroon: Mysteries in Science"
ISU, Room 1352 Gilman Hall, ISU, 6:30 pm


  • November 21st (Thursday) - COOVER LECTURE given by Prof. Galen D. Stucky. For additional information, please contactJoe Burnett.
Lecture Title: "Multiple Function, Length Scale, and Component Molecular Assemby in Three Dimensions"
ISU, Room 1352 Gilman Hall, ISU, 8 pm
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