Chemists with Disabilities Charter

Chemists with Disabilities Charter

Other Joint Board-Council Committees

Bylaw III, 3, e, g


  • Promoting educational and professional opportunities in the chemical sciences and in fields requiring knowledge of chemistry for persons with disabilities.
  • Championing the capabilities of those persons to educators, employers, and peers.
  • Envisioning a time when all individuals, including those with disabilities, will advance the chemical enterprise by drawing on the full range of their talents.

a. Ensuring that all ACS-sponsored services and programs promote and advance the full participation of students with disabilities;

b. Promoting opportunities for individuals with disabilities employed in or seeking employment within chemistry and its allied fields, supporting the ACS Strategic Plan;

c. Providing and promoting a portfolio of programs, products and services to increase their participation and leadership in the chemical community; and

d. Serving as a resource to the chemistry community as a whole with reference to issues concerning the education and employment of individuals with disabilities.

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