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AM Thermochromic Ink


          This is Shravika Pendyala and Madhalasa Iyer, high school freshmen students. We are working on a product called AnnotateMe, and we need your assistance. 

          Our idea is a special pen that the user can use to write in their borrowed, school or library issued textbooks and workbooks, and then erase the ink after use. For instance, if a student like me borrows a SAT workbook from the library or a textbook from school, we are not allowed to write, highlight, or underline on it. This hampers our ability to practice or improve our understanding of the information. But using this product(pen), they would be able to write on it, and get rid of their pen marks afterwards so they can safely return the book. We were thinking about using some form of thermosensitive ink.

          Though erasable pens already exist, we would like to faster erase and remove all the annotations in every page of the book.

          You are the experts and esteemed members in your field, and we need your help. We would truly appreciate it if you could answer just a few questions and give us some assistance on the design of the product and ink. 

  1. What are your thoughts on this product?
  2. What can we use to make the ink ? 
  3. Are there any specific materials or chemicals that we need to investigate            that might work its purpose?
  4. Anything specific questions, comments, or concerns with the product?
  5. What additional research can we do to better understand the materials involved with these types of inks?

We would love any feedback you can provide, and truly appreciate your help with this. Also, if you know someone else that you think might be able to help us, please let us know so we can reach out to them. 

Thank you so much in advance,

Shravika P and Madhalasa I

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