2020 Career Event

New Contributor III
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American Chemical Society- Puget Sound Section
presents an informative afternoon on

Careers in Chemistry for Undergraduates

February 19th 2020, 1-5 PM

at the

WA State Public Health Laboratories
1610 NE 150th Street, Shoreline, WA 98155

This event will include a keynote speaker, tour of the laboratory, and a career panel

Recommended for all undergraduate science students
Free admission and open to all. Space is limited.

Registration for the 2020 Career Event is now closed.  If you have any questions, please contact Dharshi Bopegedera at BopegedD@evergreen.edu

Registration is limited to 60 participants on a first come, first served basis. Please register early to reserve your spot.  

For more information: bopegedd@evergreen.edu