Now that the Winter CIB has been published (thanks Svetlana and Rick), it is time to turn our thoughts to the Spring CIB. In a moment of weakness, I agreed to edit the next issue, and now I'm relying on your help to make that issue a reality. I've already contacted several people for contributions. But if you have something you would like to contribute, please let me know. We would like to post the next issue at the beginning of March, so would like to get the stories by mid-February at the latest, earlier if possible.
Here's what I have lined up so far (thanks):
Letter from the Chair: Greg Banik
Interview: Svetla Baykoucheva
Update from Communications/Publications: Bill Town
Book Review: Bob Buntrock
Highlights for the Anaheim program: Rachelle Bienstock
Technical/Social program for Anaheim: Dave Martinsen
Still needed:
Awards announcements
Other, for example, tips for using the ACS Network?
If you would like to contribute a story, please let me know.
Thanks, and have a great holiday.