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First Annual ECI American Chemical Society Undergraduate Research Conference

New Contributor III
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The American Chemical Society East Central Illinois Section and the University of Illinois Undergraduate Student Chapter extend an invitation for all undergraduates and professionals in the chemical sciences to attend the  First Annual ECI American Chemical Society Undergraduate Research Conference. The conference will be held on  Saturday, November 12th 2016 in the Alice Campbell Alumni Center at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, IL.

The conference will feature poster presentations from undergraduate students in the section. Most abstracts will be accepted and a wide variety of research topics will be considered. This event is co-sponsored by the UIUC Undergraduate Student Chapter, the ECI Women Chemists Committee at UIUC, the ECI Younger Chemists Committee, and the SACNAS chapter at UIUC. Abstracts for presentation are due Sunday October 2nd and general attendees must register by Sunday October 30th.

Please see the invite letter and powerpoint advertisement below to circulate to your students or showcase in classes. The conference provides a forum for undergraduate researchers to display their work, learn more about ACS programs and activities, and network with professionals from the surrounding schools and industries. Its timing in the fall semester allows undergraduate students to network and establish connections that might be useful for job and graduate school applications. Spread the word to anyone involved in undergraduate research!

Feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns at . More information can be found on our website at

Invite letter:

Event flyer:

ECI Research Symposium Advertising.jpg