I currently teach at a community college in California and have noticed several flyers posted around campus for summer study abroad opportunities for Biology/Geology and Geology/Physical Science. The first is a two week trip to Madagascar, while the second is a one week trip to Iceland. It got me thinking about creating something similar for chemistry or perhaps in conjunction with another major or department, such as Chemistry/Geology or Chemistry/Biology. I'm going to speak to the current trip leaders this week, but I wondered if someone here might have suggestions or thoughts on interesting trips to look in to? I believe the current study abroad trips are very low-level courses and not very rigorous, more like a "science tour", but there is a pre-trip and post-trip portion. However, I am open to something slightly more involved, perhaps partnering with another college in the destination of choice?
Anyway, I just thought I'd see if anyone out there had any experience, connections, or just good ideas to share! Considering I teach at a community college, the course would need to be sophomore level or below.
Thank you in advance!