FLUO Tutorial Week - Lecture Videos

FLUO Tutorial Week - Lecture Videos

The ACS Division of Fluorine Chemistry has organized a series of online “Tutorial Lectures on Fluorine Chemistry” that were delivered by our distinguished colleagues for our members. The program consisted of a series of Live Lectures (via zoom) given by the recent ACS Award winners and the recordings of each talk are provided below. 

Lecture #1 - Late Stage Fluorination with Metal Alkali Fluoride by Veronique Gouverneur


Lecture #2 - Small Metal Fluoride Particles in a Big World by Erhard Kemnitz


Lecture #3 - Unsolved Step-Change Challenges in Industrial Fluorine Chemistry by Viacheslav Petrov and Bruce Smart


Lecture #4 - Applications and Critical Importance of High-Purity Fluorine Compounds in the Production of Semiconductor Materials by Bob Syvret


Lecture #5 - The Flexibility of Fluorine. From Weak Donors to Strong Acceptors by Steven Strauss


Lecture #6 - Contributions of Organofluorine Compounds to Pharmaceutical and Agrochemicals by Norio Shibata


Lecture #7Janus Cyclohexane Rings with Fluorine and Hydrogen Faces by David O'Hagan



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