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NGC's launch of the Entrepreneur Webinar Series

January 19th, 2016, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM, PT.   Register for the first webinar in Northwest Green Chemistry's Entrepreneur Webinar Series: Inspirational Entrepreneurs.  Entrepreneurs Mickey Blake from Floral Soil Solutions and Zach Wilkinson from Tidal Vision will share their perspectives and answer your questions.  What does it take to achieve success as a green business? How did they apply green chemistry and engineering to their businesses?  What were their biggest obstacles?  What advice would they offer to other green entrepreneurs?

This webinar series provides information for people interested in green and sustainable small businesses.  Our topics target everyone from new entrepreneurs who just got their first big green idea, to established small business owners who are interested in scaling up and incorporating green chemistry and engineering principles.  Northwest Green Chemistry will provide entrepreneurial stories and experiences, opportunities to connect with and question funders, and a holistic view of green chemistry and engineering elements to consider when developing products.  This webinar series is supported by the American Sustainable Business Council.

Registration link:

NGC Entrepreneur Webinar Series:

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