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History of Green Mountain LS

History of Green Mountain LS

Our History

The history of our section starts in Boston, we are grateful to the Archivists at the North Eastern Section for this early information:

The minutes of the North Eastern Section of the American Chemical Society for 
1898 record that "Friday evening, February fourth, about one hundred and fifty chemists met at the Parker House to establish a local section of the American Chemical Society." For the first 13 years of its existance the North Eastern Section covered a large area. However it was inconvenient for chemists to travel to Boston to meet each month. In 
1911 the Connecticut Valley Section, centered in Hartford, was formed including the western half of Massachusetts. Next to go was the state of Maine, which in April 1912 became a section centered at the university in Orono. The Green Mountain Section followed in April 1916, again located at the state university in Burlington, Vermont. Finally, the Central Massachusetts Section was founded in Worcester in 1947. 

We would like to add to this section of our web site. If you have any information about the early history of chemistry in Vermont, please let us know!

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