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Executive Committee Positions Descriptions

Executive Committee Positions Descriptions

Executive Committee Positions Descriptions

Chair: The chair presides at all regular meetings, the annual business meeting, all Executive Committee meetings, and special meetings except those delegated to temporary or standing committee chairs. The chair will appoint all temporary or standing committees. The chair has general supervision of the affairs of the section, including the drafting of the yearly budget plan and strategic plan for the section. The chair completes the yearly report for the section, and sends it to the councilor and alternate councilor for their approval.

Chair-Elect: The Chair-Elect of the Section shall, in the absence of the Chair, perform the duties of that office and shall serve as Chair of the Program and Entertainment Committee.

Secretary: The Secretary of the Section shall keep a record of the proceedings of the Section and of the meetings of the Executive Committee; keep a roll of the members and affiliates of the Section; serve notice of all meetings, both regular and special; and perform other duties customarily associated with this office.

Treasurer: The Treasurer of the Section shall: collect and disburse all funds of the Section; send out all notices of dues and arrearages; report to the Secretary the names of all Local Section Affiliates dropped from the rolls of the Section for non-payment of dues; collect all funds due the Section from the society; render a financial report to the Section at the annual business meeting; and perform other duties customarily associated with this office.

Members-at-Large: The members-at-Large shall serve as members of the executive committee.

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