ACS Network now has Groups. This new functionality allows users to users with similar interest to connect to each other and to start communicating and collaborating around this interest.
Functions within a group include:
Invite members to your group
Administration of Group
what happened to my bullets
I like the look of the new upgrade, but am having trouble finding my list of groups.
Go to the very top and click browse places. Then you should be able to filter by the groups you own or those you are part of. we'll be working on our communications next week.
I created a private group for the Committee on Chemistry and Public Affairs. One of my committee members can't seem to join the group. When I tried to find her profile, it says she "opted out". What does she need to do to get back in the network to join the committee's group?
It’s great to hear from you, and I’m glad to hear you’re still active in ACS!
It sounds like your colleague has requested to opt out of the ACS Network at some point. If she is now interested in participating in the ACS Network, she will need to opt back in by updating her ACS profile. The ACS profile is the information that we have on her membership record. It is not to be confused with her ACS Network profile, which is the information she supplies for the ACS Network social networking platform. You can send her the following information on opting in to the ACS Network.
To update your ACS member profile:
1) Go to<>.
2) Click “Log in” in the blue bar, in the upper right-hand corner of the screen.
3) Enter your user name and password to log in.
If you do not have a user name and password:
a. Click on the link, “Registering is easy.”
b. Provide the requested information. You will need
i. A user name and password—use whatever is easy for you to remember. This user name and password will be the same one that gets you in to the ACS Network. You can also use it to update your ACS membership profile, of course.
ii. Your ACS member number—you can obtain this from your ACS membership card, the address label from your copy of C&EN, or<>. There are more details on doing this when you are registering.
4) The ACS homepage will reappear, with “Welcome, ” above the headlines carousel. Level with that, on the right-hand side of the page, click on “Show Account Details.”
5) Click on “Edit My Profile” on the upper left side of the page.
6) Update whatever information needs to be updated.
To opt in to the ACS Network:
a. Scroll down to “ACS Network” and check the box marked, “Yes I would like to participate in the ACS Network. I agree to the Privacy Policy and the User Agreement for the ACS Network.”
b. Scroll up the screen and enter email address where it says “Confirm Email Address.”
c. Click “Ok” at the bottom of the page.
Once your colleague does that, you should be able to invite her to join the ACS Network group. Please note that the invitation will go to whatever email address she provides in her profile. If it is an email she does not use, she should update it while she is in her ACS member profile.
Please contact me if this does not work, or if you experience other problems. There are a few other things we can try. Alternatively, you can contact Christine Schmidt on the ACS Network. She is one of our staff gurus on the ACS Network, and she is really good at fixing problems.
Good luck!
ACS Chemistry for Life
American Chemical Society
Thanks, Blake for answering. I've been a little busy at the national meeting.
I wanted to add that if the person is opted out, they need to login at<> first. Then they should click on the link toward the upper right of the page. An page shoUld appear which will allow them to opt back into the network.
alternatively, they can change it via ther account on<>. After they log in on<>, they should click on show account details, then edit my profile. This is a person's ACS account which houses a users email address and opt-in status for the ACS Network.
I hope this helps thoroughly answer your question.
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