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Collaborating with Documents -Uploaded Files

Collaborating with Documents -Uploaded Files

*Note - You may click on images to enlarge

The Network is an ideal place to post documents for review or archival purposes. Once uploaded, the system will generate a flash-based version of this document. This previewer allows users to turn pages, zoom, search, and to even create an inline comment. 

The ACS Network has the ability to share documents and other filetypes created in other programs. These include MS Office (Word, PowerPoint and Excel) as well as PDF and images.  The only filetype that is currently excluded is HTML files.

To create an uploaded document:

  • Select the pencil Icon located to the right of your profile picture in the top right corner of the page. Once the Actions dropdown list appears, select the "Files" option, which will allow you to "upload one or more files"
  • Select the file you want to upload. Add a title as it will appear in the listing of this document and a description. Finally, add tags to help it be found.
  • Select the place (a forum or group) where you would like to upload this file. Alternatively, you can upload it to your personal documents.

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If this is a personal document, you can set the "Publish Location" to "Hidden" so that only you can see the document or you can designate the document open to all users (The ACS Network Community) or specific people.

When you select Publish, the file will be uploaded from your computer. After a few moments, the document can be seen from the browser.

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At the bottom of the document is a place to give the document star ratings and to add comments or view the in-line comments.  The star-ratings and the comments are good tools when a committee is reviewing a set of documents (e.g. a set of grant applications).