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Creating/Managing a Group

Creating/Managing a Group

*Note - You may click on images to enlarge

All registered users of the ACS Network can create a group. Groups are great places for people with common tasks or interests to collaborate on information.


To Create a Group:

1. Click on the "Create" button and Select "Group." You will need to complete a form.



a) The group name should be meaningful. The group name can be changed at a later date.

b) A URL will be suggested based on the group name.You can edit the URL at this point. Once the form is submitted, the URL cannot be changed without the contacting the ACS Network Administrator.

c) The group description appears at the top of the page underneath the title. (This can be entered and changed at anytime).

d) Remember to tag your group. This will facilitate it being found when other users search.

e) Choose the Group Type according to descriptions. Remember that users cannot see the group content in a private or secret group unless they are invited or approved. This type of group is best for committee/task force or any other group whose content needs to be kept confidential.

g) Select "Create Group". Complete the settings form to create a new group.


Remember that all the information in this forum, except for the URL can be changed at a later date. You can access this information by selecting "Settings" found in the Manage pull-down menu on the right side of the page.


3. In the settings form you can add an Overview page (i.e. the group home page), Activity Page, or both. The layout of the page can adjusted as you like.

Manage > Settings > Advanced Options > OP, AP, or Both.

Manage > Overview Page > Editor


The editor allows you to choose a layout, and to select and arrange individual widgets on the page.

Don't forget to Publish your layout when you are finished.

4. If your group is private or secret, invite users to join the group.


You can view the status of invitations, as well as grant users access to your group by going to the Manage menu on the right and selecting Members.