*Note - You may click on images to enlarge
Polls, star-ratings, and liking content can be used within a group to help make choices. Each piece of functionality is different, but can be used for similar purposes.
Polls are a separate type of social content. It is essentially a single question with a list of choices. It is good to get users' opinions on a question with a simple answer. The choices are typically straightforward and can be either text or image-based. Polls can have up to ten choices and users may only vote for one item.
To create a poll, go to Actions Box or Create>Content at the top of the page and select Poll.
Complete the form and hit Create.

In addition to voting for an item, a user may add additional comments to the poll as well. When a user votes, the current results for the poll are displayed. A poll can be featured on a Group Overview/Home page with the "Latest Poll" widget. This widget displays the latest poll within a group.

Liking content
"Liking content" is something a user does to an existing piece of content. In liking content, a user clicks on the "Like" button in the right hand column. The button then turns to "Liked" and the number of 'likes" displays beside it. A user can click on the button again to unlike the content.

Liking content is good for voting on a favorite document, video, etc. where the total number of likes is tallied.
Star-ratings are a way to rate an existing piece of content and are available at the bottom of most content types. A user may rate each piece of content once. Their rating is averaged with other users ratings. A user can go back and edit their rating.

Star ratings are useful when reviewing a set of documents (e.g. award applications). Users can use the comments section to discuss the document.