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The ACS Network - version 4 - the latest upgrade

The ACS Network - version 4 - the latest upgrade

Welcome to the ACS Network, version 4.

I hope most of you noticed that we were down most of yesterday and that we have a new look. For more than six months, we've been working on the new interface. We new early in the year that we wanted to move to the new version of the software (that we license from Jive Software), but we also wanted to customize our interface to meet the need of the community.

We took time at both ACS National meetings to do some usability testing.  In that, we had users look at wire-frames and mock-ups of the Network and asked them specific questions around labels and their placement. We had a team of staff here who were familiar with social media reviewing the final changes. We think we have an interface that is more intuitive to our users.

In the coming weeks, we'll be working on rearranging some of the content on our forums. We understand that some of our forums need work.  In addition, we will try to work on updating our help documents for the current version.  I'll post things to the blog as we release them.

For now, we ask you to enjoy the new ACS Network and to have patience as we continue working on improving it.



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