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Where do I find??

Where do I find??

With the Network upgrade, many users have questions about where to find certain things. I've put together a list to answer these questions. If I have omitted something, please comment below and I'll add it to the list.

  • Status update : You can view your status update when you click your name (to get to your profile page) or on your Activity page (first icon, very top bar).  You can update it via the "Create" button, or there is a place on the Activity page as well.
  • Help: The Support forum has all sorts of posts, documents, and discussions covering how to do things in the Network. If you don't see it, ask.
  • Log out: This appears under your Personal Settings, accessed by the small down arrow next to your name.
  • Edit my profile or change my photo: Under Personal Settings.
  • Change my preferences (email and twitter): Under Personal Settings
  • Change my password or opt out : Your password is part of your ACS ID credentials and should be changed on  You can access the link to change the password by going to your bio/Profile page (bottom right corner). Opting out of the ACS Network provides information and a link to opt-out.
  • Drafts:  These can be found by clicking Browse (top bar). One of the options in the resulting left hand sidebar is Drafts. (At this point, you cannot access drafts through content on your profile.)
  • My groups:  There are two ways to access groups you belong to. THe first is to go to your profile, and select the "Places" tab. The other is to go to Browse, and select Places, then groups. From either of these pages, you should have some options in the left side bar which allows you to find the groups you own, you belong to, or you follow.
  • My content: Similar to My groups, you can find your content either through Browse>content or Profile> Content.
  • My friends:  Also similar to My groups. Access through Browse>People or Profile>Friends.
  • Home page -- Home icon on the far left on the navigation bar. You can set what you want your home page to be in your preferences. (You can choose to have it go to your Activity page, a browse page, etc. )  where.png

Don't forget to hit the History button (top bar) to see a list of content, groups, forums, and profiles that you have recently visited.