Our next section meeting, Thursday, January 27th, is High School Teachers Night. This virtual event will begin online at 7:00 pm! There will be a program consisting of speakers, laboratory demonstrations and educational exhibits focusing on High School teaching needs.
Lehigh Valley ACS and the American Association of Chemistry Teachers (AACT) invite all Lehigh Valley section members, student members and all High School chemistry/science teachers to learn about the resources available to them through the ACS, the LV section, the AACT and other local area organizations. Some of the joint LVACS/HS activities we also want to cover are Science Coaches, Chemagination, Foundation in Chemistry Award, HS Teacher of the Year, Science Fairs, NCW/CCEW, After-School Chemistry Partnership Program, Chemistry Olympiad and SEED.
--- First 5 teachers to log on receive an AACT gift membership ($50/yr) !!!
- Carl Salter, Moravian College on light absorption/spectroscopy
- Nigel Sanders, ESU on simple nanotechnology examples
Zoom: https://american-chemical-society.zoom.com/j/85245992952?pwd=SE1YMG1uNEZ6OWpKRDFxNFVSenZmQT09 Meeting ID: 852 4599 2952; Password: 461035
CONTACT: Lindsey Welch, lawelch@cedarcrest.edu