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ACS Local Sections Officer Insights January 2024

Honored Contributor II
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Dear Local Section Leader,
We are excited to start off this new year by welcoming our new ACS Local Section officers! As part of our ongoing Monthly ACS Webinar Series, we will be hosting the "Welcome New Local Section Leaders" webinar on January 17, 2024 from 1:00 - 2:00 PM EST. This is a great opportunity to connect with other leaders and learn more about the upcoming Leadership Institute and tracks featured for local section officers. I encourage you all to register now and join us if your schedule allows it. I would also like to draw your attention to the impending deadline for the Local Section Innovative Program Grant (IPG). Read below, to learn more and submit your application today.
Beth Lorsbach,
Chair, Local Section Activities Committee


Local Section Innovative Program Grants (IPGs)

Ignite innovation and community strength with the Local Section Innovative Project Grant. Administered by ACS LSAC, this grant offers up to $3500 to empower the local section in innovative events and activities. Apply by January 15, 2024, and stimulate member and local section involvement. Please review grant details here. Let us pioneer change and forge lasting community connections. Learn more, gain inspiration from other local sections, and apply now


Register Now: ACS Leadership Institute January 26 - 28, 2024 Atlanta, GA

We are pleased to announce that registration for the 2024 ACS Leadership Institute is now open. All Local Sections are encouraged to send a delegate(s) to attend this important leadership development and networking event. A limited number of travel stipends are available for first 50 registrants. Please review the attached for important details, program information, and the link to register.


Looking for a way to connect with speaking events in areas you have expertise in? Interested in building up your speaking resume? ACS' Speaker Directory is designed to connect experts like *you* with speaking opportunities! ACS Local Sections, Technical Divisions, and International Chapters are looking for a diverse range of speakers for in-person, virtual, hybrid, and asynchronous events.


  • Gain visibility on a international level
  • Share your expertise
  • Grow your professional network
Whether you're a seasoned chemist or starting your career, the ACS Speaker Directory is your gateway to connecting with ACS members in need of talented speakers! Learn more and sign up for the ACS Speaker Directory Today!

2023 Local Section Annual Reports Now Live in ACS Community Connection

We are pleased to announce that ACS Community Connection, the online service for annual report and event submissions, is now available for the 2023 Local Section Annual Reporting cycle. Please bookmark the Annual Reporting web page for easy access to the Community Connection login page, user guides, and other important resources. All 2023 and 2024 local section officers may access Community Connection with their ACS ID and password.

The chair of your local section may designate additional non-officer volunteers (e.g., Community Activities Coordinator, YCC Chair, Webmaster, etc.) to access and complete your group's annual report and event forms. To assign a non-officer access to Community Connection, please send the non-officer's name, local section affiliation, and ACS ID to

The deadline for submitting your completed annual report and ChemLuminary self-nominations is February 15, 2024. Your local section's 2023 allotment will be released to your treasurer following your local section's annual report submission.


Local Section Election Reminder

It's that time of year again when most local section elect new officers. Please take a moment to review your local section bylaws to ensure that you conduct elections in accordance with established procedures. An election-only list must be requested from ACS to ensure that only eligible ACS members are participating in your election. Request your election-only list at least 10 days prior to ballot distribution.

Questions? Contact


Reminder to Send Annual Tax Returns

Attention all Local Sections officers! This is a reminder that a copy of your annual tax return must be sent to the ACS Tax Office at This is a requirement per the ACS Governing Documents and your bylaws. Thank you in advance for your cooperation!


Important Events For Local Section Leaders At The
ACS Spring 2024 National Meeting
The ACS Council Policy Committee is hosting its 2024 New Councilor Orientation Program for all newly elected Councilors and Alternate Councilors on Saturday, March 16 from 3:00-6:00 p.m. CT in New Orleans. A special networking reception with Committee Chairs will follow from 6:00-7:00 p.m. This program provides an excellent opportunity to meet other ACS leaders and learn about ACS committees. Special remarks will be given by the ACS President. If you are a newly elected Councilor or an Alternate Councilor, please save the date and RSVP to let us know if you plan to attend. Additional information is forthcoming.
Fall 2024 Kavli Emerging Leader in Chemistry Award

Nominations for the Fall 2024 The Kavli Foundation Emerging Leader in Chemistry award are now being accepted. Each Committee and Technical Division may nominate up to two individuals for this award. The nominee must be a distinguished younger scientist who is highly regarded by their peers for significant contributions to an area of chemistry or related multidisciplinary area of chemistry. Nominees must be no more than 40 years old or no more than ten years past receipt of their Ph.D. Please see the webpage for full eligibility and nomination requirements. The deadline for submission is February 26, 2024.


Join chemists from around the world at ACS Spring 2024!
Register and join us from March 17 – 21 for ACS Spring 2024! We’ll be in-person in New Orleans, LA at the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center or virtually across the globe. The theme, Harnessing the Power of Data, will be at the core of programming for the hybrid event. Abstract submissions for ACS Fall 2024 will open this month. It will have the theme Elevating Chemistry and will be held from August 18 – 22 in Denver, CO, and virtually. Learn more about #ACSSpring2024 and #ACSFall2024 at ACS Meetings & Expos.
Framing Our Safety Programs with RAMP
The “RAMP” acronym was introduced as a way to remember the Four Principles of Safety: Recognize hazards, Assess risks of hazards, Minimize risks of hazards, and Prepare for Emergencies. This risk assessment framework forms the cornerstone of all chemical safety education resources developed by the ACS and its volunteers and members, solidifying the Society’s commitment to its core value of safety. The ACS Center for Lab Safety serves as the hub for all ACS safety offerings, including a plethora of RAMP-based online courses, videos, booklets, and vast guidance. Contact the ACS Office of Safety Programs with any inquiries at



Get involved with Project SEED!



Do you know about Project SEED? For over 50 years, Project SEED has provided summer research experiences to high school students all over the United States. Now is a great time to get involved. The program is open for new project proposals from December 1, 2023 until February 8, 2024. Please visit the Project SEED website for more information and contact for any questions.   


Recruitment and engagement Toolkit for Councilors

Are you looking for new and easy ways to communicate with members and future members for your section? We have launched our new Recruitment and Engagement Toolkit with easy to download word templates that you can customize and send out. They are organized by type and audience and newly located in an easy to find location on on the MAC home page at the bottom under Resources. The direct link is here. You can also find out more about accessing the Community Associate roster and the recruitment commission program.


Nominations for Heroes of Chemistry are now open!

Innovation paired with commercial success is worth recognizing. The Heroes of Chemistry Award is one of ACS's highest industry honors, recognizing companies which have developed successfully commercialized products that have had an impact on the welfare and progress of humanity. 2024 nominations are now being accepted through February 1.

Any private or publicly owned for-profit company may nominate a team of chemists or allied scientists. Information on team eligibility is found on the HOC page. The company nominating the technology must be the current owner of the technology. Celebrate your company's hard work and success in innovation – nominate today!


Plan now for IUPAC Global Women's Breakfast 2024




Join the global chemistry community in Catalyzing Diversity in Science by:

  • Building active networks of people of all genders
  • Overcoming barriers to gender equality
  • Promoting professional and inclusive practices

Learn more about hosting or attending events on February 27, 2024, as ACS celebrates the IUPAC Global Women’s Breakfast.


ACS Salutes to Excellence Award

This program gives ACS members an opportunity to underscore outstanding accomplishments, achievements, or service for individuals who have made a positive impact in their local community, via their creation or participation in chemistry outreach events and programs. A local section chair or designee can request up to 5 free plaques to present to any individual or organization it deems worthy of this recognition (cannot be a local section member). Please visit the Salutes to Excellence page for more detailed information. If you have any questions about recognition programs, please feel free to contact


Grow Your Local Section Membership and Earn $15 Per Recruit!

Did you know that you can earn $15 per Member or Society Affiliate that you recruit to your Local Section? When recruiting new or re-instating Members and/or Society Affiliates to ACS at the Standard or Premium package level, simply instruct them to select your Local Section from the drop down on the Review Step of the online membership application. ACS will send you a commission check biannually. It’s that simple! Members can join at


New Updates to the Model Bylaws Template

The Committee on Constitution and Bylaws (C&B) approved new updates to the model bylaws template for Local Sections and Divisions. The updated document can be found at by clicking on “Model bylaws” for either Divisions or Local Sections. Use the new template to update your bylaws today! Contact C&B with any questions or for assistance at