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ACS Local Sections Officer Insights November 2023

Honored Contributor II
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Dear Local Section Leader,


Please mark your calendars to join us for our next local section webinar “Robert’s Rules of Order for Effective Meetings” to be held on Wednesday, November 15th from 1:00-2:30 PM ET. ACS Secretary and General Counsel, Flint Lewis will share his knowledge and advice on procedures for making, discussing, and voting on procedures and how to apply Robert’s Rules to ensure efficiency and fairness in your meetings. Register today to reserve your seat

Additionally, I would like to share a friendly reminder that the November 13 deadline for the Local Section DEIR Grants application is fast approaching. Please don’t miss your opportunity to apply! Let’s make a difference in our communities; learn more and apply now

Beth Lorsbach,

Chair, Local Section Activities Committee


2023 Local Section Annual Reports Now Live in ACS Community Connection

We are pleased to announce that ACS Community Connection, the online service for annual report and event submissions, is now available for the 2023 Local Section Annual Reporting cycle. Please bookmark the Annual Reporting web page for easy access to the Community Connection login page, user guides, and other important resources. All 2023 and 2024 local section officers may access Community Connection with their ACS ID and password.

The chair of your local section may designate additional non-officer volunteers (e.g., Community Activities Coordinator, YCC Chair, Webmaster, etc.) to access and complete your group's annual report and event forms. To assign a non-officer access to Community Connection, please send the non-officer's name, local section affiliation, and ACS ID to

The deadline for submitting your completed annual report and ChemLuminary self-nominations is February 15, 2024. Your local section's 2023 allotment will be released to your treasurer following your local section's annual report submission.


ACS Officer Reporting Window is Now Open

The Office of the Secretary is happy to announce that the reporting window opened on November 1, 2023 to submit the 2024 Local Section, Division, and International Science Chapters certified election results for Officers. Please utilize the Community Connection platform to certify your Councilors and Officers. The deadline to submit your certified results is December 1, 2023. Thank you for your volunteer efforts on behalf of the American Chemical Society, and please contact with any questions.


Save the Date: ACS Leadership Institute January 26 - 28, 2024 Atlanta, GA Registration Opening Soon

Please ask your 2023 Local Section Chair-elect to attend the 2023 ACS Leadership Institute (LI). The ACS Leadership Institute will be held at the Westin Peachtree Plaza (210 Peachtree Street NW, Atlanta, GA 30303.) More details and a link for registration will be sent to all local section leaders later this month.


Reminder to Send Annual Tax Returns

Attention all Local Sections officers! This is a reminder that a copy of your annual tax return must be sent to the ACS Tax Office at This is a requirement per the ACS Governing Documents and your bylaws. Thank you in advance for your cooperation!


Election Results for 2024 Officers and Directors



A petition to add international representation to the ACS Board of Directors was approved by Council and the Board of Directors and ratified by the ACS Membership. 

As a result, the Board will add as a voting member a new international district director, while eliminating one director-at-large position from the Board. The election of the first international district director (2025-27) will take place during the 2024 ACS Election beginning in September.

Society members elected the following officers and members of the Board of Directors for 2024: 


  • Dorothy J. Phillips, retired, director of strategic marketing, Waters, Milford, Massachusetts

Board of Director

  • Bonnie (Helen A.) Lawlor (District III), retired, executive director, National Federation of Abstracting and Information Services, Philadelphia
  • Jeanette M. Van Emon (District VI), retired, research chemist, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Las Vegas
  • Wayne E. Jones Jr. (director-at-large; reelected), provost and vice ​president of academic affairs, University of New Hampshire, Durham, New Hampshire
  • Carolyn Ribes (director-at-large; reelected), business analytical leader, Dow Chemical, Terneuzen, Netherlands

These newly elected officers will join or continue service on the ACS Board of Directors in 2024. The list of current board members, their photos, official biographies, and other information about Society governance is available on the ACS website.


Updated ACS Governing Documents and Petition Deadline

The May 1, 2023, edition of the ACS Governing Documents is available at

New petitions to amend the Constitution or Bylaws must be received by the Chief Executive Officer ( by November 29 to be included in the Council agenda for the Spring 2024 meeting in New Orleans. Questions or comments may be sent to C&B at


2024 WCC Merck Research Award – Application Deadline, December 1



The WCC Merck Research Award recognizes eight individuals* who will present at a WCC/Merck symposium during the ACS Fall 2024 Meeting. Individuals in their third and fourth year of graduate school with a research focus in one or more of the following – Organic, Medicinal, Analytical, Chemical Biology, Computational or Structural Chemistry, and related disciplines are eligible. This award is open to U.S. citizens (studying anywhere) and non-U.S. citizens attending a graduate program in the U.S. or Canada. The application deadline is December 1. Apply! *This includes women (both cis and trans) and persons assigned female at birth (AFAB).


Plan now for IUPAC Global Women's Breakfast 2024

Join the global chemistry community in Catalyzing Diversity in Science by:

  • Building active networks of people of all genders
  • Overcoming barriers to gender equality
  • Promoting professional and inclusive practices

Learn more about hosting or attending events on February 27, 2024, as ACS celebrates the IUPAC Global Women’s Breakfast.


WCC 2023 Mini-Grants for Local Sections and International Chemical Sciences Chapters


The Women Chemists Committee (WCC) is offering a limited number of grants to ACS local sections, student chapters, and international chemical sciences chapters that wish to sponsor an event/activity that will increase the engagement of members who have identified as women chemists and will encourage innovative activities that will benefit the local community, regional meetings, and DEIR. WCC will provide up to $1,000 in grant funds as reimbursement for events that occurred between January 1-December 1 on a first-come, first-serve basis upon the approval. Apply by December 4 and include the WCC logo for your event. Send questions to


Member Recruitment Commission Opportunity

Did you know that you can earn $15 per Member or Society Affiliate that you recruit to your Local Section? When recruiting new or re-instating Members and/or Society Affiliates to ACS at the Standard or Premium package level, simply instruct them to select your Local Section from the drop down on the Review Step of the online membership application. ACS will send you a commission check biannually. It’s that simple! Members can join at


ACS Student Chapter Awards Announced for 2022-2023


Over 300 ACS student chapters around the world have been recognized for excellence in their programs and activities during the 2022-2023 academic year. The Society Committee on Education awarded 71 outstanding, 122 commendable, and 135 honorable mention awards, while the Green Chemistry Institute recognized 21 chapters for integration of green chemistry activities into their portfolios. Local sections are encouraged to reach out to their local student chapters to congratulate them on their hard work and results.


New Updates to the Model Bylaws Template

The Committee on Constitution and Bylaws (C&B) approved new updates to the model bylaws template for Local Sections and Divisions. The updated document can be found at by clicking on “Model bylaws” for either Divisions or Local Sections. Use the new template to update your bylaws today! Contact C&B with any questions or for assistance at


ACS Presidential Laboratory Safety Teams Summit



Building upon the 2022 ACS Chemical Safety Summit’s recommendation to establish more connections between academia and industry, the Office of Safety Programs hosted the ACS Presidential LST Summit in October. Laboratory Safety Teams (LSTs) are communities of graduate students and postdoctoral associates that promote a strong safety culture within their respective laboratories, departments, and institutions. Over 40 attendees, including graduate students, instructors, members of industry, and ACS staff, participated in presentations, panels, and group discussions to explore new partnerships and avenues for sustaining LSTs. Please complete this form if interested in receiving the Summit Final Report.

                                                                                                                        *Image courtesy of Brady Bresnahan


Register Today for SWRM2023


Southwest Regional Meeting (SWRM), November 15 – 18, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Register and Join us at the SWRM 2023 this November. The theme of the meeting, Chemistry Energized, which reflects the energy associated with the anticipation of meeting with colleagues, the emphasis on exciting recent advances in chemistry-related fields, and the energy focus of the Southwest ACS region.

You can also join the special event. Oklahoma City's iconic Skydance bridge will be lighted in gold and blue to recognize the SWRM 2023. Have your camera ready for the conference opening on Wednesday, November 15, and celebrate!


ACS Member Benefits
The following a blurb you can use in your own communications or newsletters to your constituencies:
Do you know about the latest benefits from ACS? ACS Link: Have a question? Get answers while expanding your professional network. ACS Link is a benefit that leverages the global ACS community, using AI to help connect you with people who can provide answers, privately! Log in here. LinkedinLearning: Thousands of courses on a variety of professional topics and Certification Preparation/Assessment and Continuing Education Credits (CEUs). Learn More and Activate Your LinkedIn Learning License for free with your Premium Package.
New Updates to the Model Bylaws Template
The Committee on Constitution and Bylaws (C&B) approved new updates to the model bylaws template for Local Sections and Divisions. The updated document can be found at by clicking on “Model bylaws” for either Divisions or Local Sections. Use the new template to update your bylaws today! Contact C&B with any questions or for assistance at
Storing, Organizing, and Disposing Chemicals in Educational Settings
Foundations for Storing, Organizing, and Disposing of Chemicals in Educational Settings is a self-paced, six-unit course offered through the ACS Institute. This free course discusses prudent practices for chemical management using the RAMP framework: Recognize hazards, Assess the risks of the hazards, Minimize the risks of the hazards, and Prepare for the unexpected and emergencies. This course was designed for secondary school educators, but graduate students working in research laboratories and laboratory managers in higher education will benefit from this course. Visit the ACS Institute for a complete catalog of online courses, and contact with any questions!


A Growing Safety Movement: Lab Safety Teams (LSTs)
LSTs are communities of graduate and postdoctoral researchers that promote a bottom-up approach to safety cultures, empowering members to propose solutions to safety-related issues. The ACS Division of Chemical Health and Safety (CHAS) works with LST leaders to organize interactive, peer-led workshops throughout the year. The ACS Office of Safety Programs also supports the LST movement, building upon the 2022 ACS Chemical Safety Summit’s recommendation to establish more connections between academia and industry. Visit the LST website to learn about the history of the movement, access resources for initiating and maintaining an LST, and connect with the community!


What Do You Think About the ACS Brand?
Your insights play a pivotal role in shaping the trajectory of ACS. Please take a moment to share your feedback in this 10-minute survey. To thank you, a $5 donation will be made on your behalf to champion diversity in chemistry. Start the survey now
The Committee on Chemists with Disabilities would like to announce “Teaching Chemistry to Students with Disabilities” 5th edition is now available as an eBook. This is a downloadable, searchable, eBook that provides guidance on accommodations for a variety of disabilities both visible and invisible, applicable to academia and industrial settings. There is also guidance on what is expected legally by the American Disabilities Act (ADA). Included in each chapter is contact information for the authors for follow up questions or deeper discussion. For more information you can contact
Advancing Laboratory Safety Teams
We are pleased to share the final report from the 2022 ACS Presidential Safety Summit. One recommendation outlined in the report is to encourage and support Laboratory Safety Teams (LSTs) in graduate programs to reflect industry expectations.
Our Asks for Your Local Section:
  1. Are you aware of, interested in, or involved with any academic-industrial partnerships?
  2. Can you recommend resources that may be beneficial for LSTs?
  3. Are you interested in working with ACS to grow the LST program?
Please submit your interest in supporting the LSTs program to this form. For more information contact ACS Office of Safety Programs at
The Committee on Chemists with Disabilities has dedicated matching grant funds for regional and local events to encourage event coordinators to implement accommodations for participants. This can be initiated by sending an email to and we encourage coordinators of regional and local ACS events and programs to contact us!