Annual Reports and Section Meetings
Annual Reports and Section Meetings
2009 Annual Report
MEACS Section Meeting, Dec. 4, 2012, Orono
A meeting of the Maine Section of the American Chemical Society was held at room 428, Aubert Hall, University of Maine, Orono, at 7:10 PM. Minutes of the meeting follow.
The meeting was called to order by Chair Bob Buntrock. In attendance were Chair Buntrock, Treasurer Franocis Amar, as well as Barbara Cole, Brian Frederick, and Karl Bishop.
Dr. Amar gave the Treasurer’s Report , which will appear in the annual report. With more than $64,000 in assets, MEACS is more than solvent and reasonable suggestions for spending are welcome. MEACS has supported student travel to ACS meetings for students from both USM and UMaine as well as NCW/ChemFest functions. Contact Dr. Amar with any suggestion for safe, more rewarding online banking investments.
A discussion ensued on student members and the success of Student Groups. Amar pointed out that the continued success of the UMaine group was partly due to election of officers on an annual calendar basis rather than on school year. Buntrock also commented that in his experience with student groups in three ACS Sections, good, continuing leadership from both students and advisors was essential. Bishop said that the Student Group at Husson U had evolved into a science group due to small numbers of students with overlapping interests. He said that he’ll advise that they go to calendar year elections for continuity of leadership.
The election results for offices of 2013 were announced. Robert Buntrock is Chair and David Heroux, UMaine Farmington is Chair Elect.
The following awards to MEACS members were announced. Certificates have been sent to the awardees.
50 year members: Dr. Robert Buntrock, Orono, Donald Tillson, Belgrade Lakes
60 year members: E. Glenn Caswell, York, Dr. Dana Mayo, Brunswick, Barbara Potter, Gouldsboro
The100th anniversary of MEACS was celebrated at the NERM meeting in Rochester, NY, Oct. 2, 2012. Dr. Frederick and UMaine Students were in attendance to accept the award plaque which was displayed to this meeting. (Buntrock also has the official letter of congratulations from ACS. He and Frederick suggest that a display case be set up in the Department of Chemistry outer office for MEACS awards.)
Other ACS meeting attendance my MEACS members was announced. Heroux has suggested some means of communication prior to meetings for MEACS members planning to attend. For immediacy, Buntrock suggested an MEACS Blog or list. Amar said he had a possible volunteer to handle that.
NCW Chair Heroux will be submitting a report on NCW activity within MEACS.
Buntrock announced plans for the 8th consecutive year of MEACS participation in the Chemistry Olympiad.
Buntrock also requested increased efforts by all for recruiting new ACS members.
There was neither further old business nor new business so the business meeting was adjourned at 7:30
The speaker for the evening was Dr. Jason Bolton of the UMaine Cooperative Extension. The topic was the brewing of beer. Dr. Bolton described the history of brewing, beer types, and brewing processes, both “home’ and commercial, including the chemistry, biology, and technology. His upcoming course on commercial brewing (FSN 121, Spring 2013) was described. It is fully subscribed and there are plans for a repeat offering in the Fall semester.
Per the survey handed out, all attendees rated the speaker as excellent and knowledgeable and the presentation informative and interesting. Vigorous Q&A occurred throughout the meeting as several of the attendees are home brewers. Dr. Bolton was presented with an honorarium at the conclusion.
In addition to the ACS members in attendance at the business meeting, attendees included Dr. Tim Cole, Jency Joseph, James Fecteau, Joseph Roy, Spencer Jay Rust, and Thomas Robinson.
Preceding the meeting, Drs. Buntrock, Amar, Bolton and the Drs. Cole had dinner at the Bear Brew.
Buntrock will submit the survey forms along with these minutes. He had already suggested to Dr. Mitchell Bruce that only should we have similar surveys at future MEACS meetings but that we suggest that all ACS Sections adopt similar procedures.
After the meeting, Amar suggested that we set up a meeting schedule for 2013 and beyond and make concerted efforts to adhere to it.
Submitted by R. E. Buntrock, de facto Secretary, 12/5/12.