The Maine local section provides funding for students to attend ACS meetings, visit
chemistry related businesses and government laboratories, and other chemistry related
travel. We will consider requests on a rolling basis, but preferably at least three weeks
prior to the planned travel. The request should include the educational purpose and the
student(s) who are involved at the K-12, 2-year or 4-year undergraduate, or graduate
level, as well as the ACS local section member(s) who will be organizing the student
travel request. For travel to a meeting, provide a description of the meeting, the
students involved and whether they are presenting. For a visit to a chemistry related
company or government laboratory, provide a description of how the opportunity will
benefit the students. The proposed expenditures should be outlined in the request.
Only trips submitted to the Student Travel subcommittee and recommended for funding
will be eligible for support. Recommended proposals must be approved by the Maine
ACS local section executive committee. Receipts must be submitted to get reimbursed.
Based on the MEACS annual budget, the Section may not be able to fully fund travel so
for proposals in excess of $200 per student or $1000 per group we encourage
organizers to identify other sources for matching funds. A summary report including
photos or description of the educational activity that could be used for promotional
purposes by the MEACS is highly encouraged. Subsequent funding will be contingent
on report of prior activities. The Maine Local Section of the American Chemical Society
assumes no liability for the travel arrangements made by grantees.
Student Travel Subcommittee members:
Nancy Falk -
Carol Libby -
Francois Amar -