Our History
The organizing committee met on June 15, 1950 to draft the by laws for a new local section of the American Chemical Society. The first meeting of "The Canton Section" was held on July 20, 1950. The tentative by laws for the new section to be headquartered at Culver-Stockton College was approved at the business meeting and a slate of officers was elected: Chairman - Prof. B. I. Lyon of Culver-Stockton College; Vice-Chairman - Mr. Edward C. Tarpley of the U.S. Bureau of Mines, Louisiana, MO; and, Secretary - Dr. William A. Hensley of Quincy College, Quincy, IL. The official Charter of "The Canton Section" was issued in Washington, D.C. on August 14, 1950. On February 4, 1954 the name of the section was changed to "The Quincy-Keokuk Section". "The Mark Twain Secton" became the officially recognized name on September 28, 1988.