Message from the New 2017 Chair - 01/11/2017

New Contributor III
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Dear fellow ACS members,

I look forward to serving as the 2017 Chairperson of our Milwaukee Section.  I was very impressed with Dina’s enthusiastic leadership, our board’s dedication, and the active participation of our members during 2016.  Our group truly demonstrated the ACS vision of “Improving people’s lives through the transforming power of chemistry”.

We will have many more opportunities to promote chemistry in 2017.  While an improving economy is usually a good thing, it has led to a reduction in college enrollment (less future chemists), not something companies want to hear with the nearing retirement of the baby boomers whose numbers represent a significant portion of the work force.  This is where organizations like ours can help.  We must educate the public on the benefits of chemistry and encourage others to pursue a career in chemistry.  I was introduced to chemistry as a career path by my friend Dr. Zack Shana, and I am always grateful for the many opportunities his advice gave me.  By volunteering with the ACS I hope to pass on my experiences to inspire future chemists.

Happy New Year!
Andy Zrinsky