Election of 2020 Local Section Officers

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Invitations to vote were emailed to almost all members on Friday, 10/18/19. Look for an email from invitations@mail.electionbuddy.com which is identified as from the Northeast Wisconsin Local Section American Chemical Society.

If you do not find the invitation to vote in your inbox, please check your spam folder. If you have more than one email address, your invitation to vote will go to only one of your email addresses.

A few members will receive ballots by US mail. The US mail ballots were mailed yesterday and today for members without an email address on the member roster sent by ACS, and for members with email invitations that bounced back.

If you have questions about your ballot, email Pat Dwyer-Hallquist at acsnortheastwisc@gmail.com. You may want to add both emails mentioned here to your safe sender list.

Thank you to everyone who has already voted. Voting ends November 8, 2019.